If you make gummies in the shape of an arrow, they're going to end up looking like a phallus

You’d kind of think that was obvious.

And if you add a little twerk at the other end, it’ll look like a scrotum. Again, you shouldn’t have to actually make one to figure this out.

But some people evidently HAVE to be shown.


The AFD gummies’ package includes messages such as “there is an alternative” and “you just have to choose them,”

Worse still, their candidate is named Etta Bagodix!

Brings new meaning to “go eat a bag of dicks.”

Don’t use your teeth to eat them. Use only your gums.

Could have been worse. They could have been lollipops.


Two years / 146 strips later:

How will they rule the world if they can’t get this right?

Wow. Seems the well has really run dry on that Laura Numeroff book series.

Well, sales fell off after they published If you give a Mouse a Carcinogen…

Simple fix-- rebrand and market them as bachelorette party favors.

Or send them to Trump’s reelection campaign.

Very poorly, I suspect.

The whole AfD is a bunch of pricks, so what else did you expect?

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Reminds me of a rhetorical question from a letter to the editor (back in the old days when people bought and read dead tree news) that I think was in the Real Paper, published in Massachusetts: “If Harvard is so great, and Harvard rules the world, then how come the world sucks?”

Rhetorical answer: Because it doesn’t suck for Harvard grads and they don’t much care about anyone else? :wink:

And then there’s this.


Someone’s already gotten around to it (possibly NSFW):

Obviously their chief weapon is surprise, and ruthless efficiency is a subsidiary matter.