What candy shape do you want next?

Ever get bored with candy and snacks that haven’t changed shape in half a century?

We’ve got gummi bears and worms and lizards.
But why not the whole circus, like animal crackers?

And I think lots of people would like candy in the shapes of household pets.
Instead of sweet-tart candy hearts, there would be cats, dogs, bunnies, goldfish.
You could probably get a dozen different dog and cat poses, long hair short hair and poodle.

Little crackers shaped like sports equipment, various balls bats gloves helmets skateboards.

Or perhaps take those chocolate-covered bridge biscuits that have quaint LuLu on them and instead have portraits of famous mobsters?

Or …

Sorry, the name is not Lu Lu but just Lu http://grosphacochere.free.fr/bokepic/petitecolier2.jpg

Gummi FUN

I adore the arsh mit ohren, smurfs, and weisse mause =) and tend to keep them around. The smurfs and buttheads were a great hit at work on my desk=)

Mickey Mouse shape?
Smarties shape?
Amphibious landing craft shape?
Poke in the eye shape?

CMC +fnord!

Fat Buddha

What would those be, Sri-Tarts?

I want a life-size gummi hand with candy-cigarette-type chalky bones. Opaque flesh-colored outer gummi layer, red cherry gummi interior.

I love foods that look like foods other than that food which they themselves are. Gummi steaks, hamburgers shaped like hot dogs and served in a wiener bun, chocolate porkchops, they’re the light of my life.

Could be.

Mobius (Moebius?)-shaped candy. Could be taffy, licorice, gummi-candy… It’d be really cool if they made it like a pull-n-peel thing where the end of the thin strand went around and around and around and eventually came right back to where it started :cool: .

More candy should be shaped like cars, airplanes, buildings, musical instruments, and weapons of mass destruction.

Mushrooms. Oh, and representations of things like viruses (like giantmicrobes) and mathematical concepts.

Π, mmmmmmmm, me like π.

CMC +fnord!

A friggin Gummi DeMilo already.


Sure…cherry, banana cream, chocolate mousse…all kinds of flavors of pi.

Gummi crucifix. Sacrelicious.


Mmmmm…Gummi Cthulhu. R’lyeh good stuff!

“This is My body . . .”

Vagina with pink marshmallow in strategic places