If your board name was a food...

…tell us what it is!

This started when I pronounced ‘freckafree!’ out loud cause it just sounded like a fun word, and it is! And then I thought “Hey, that sounds like a sugar-free gum”.

Taomist…sounds like a green, sparkly tea drink of some type.

Mine actually is, so I guess I can’t play.

Mine is too, with a PETA-style caveat attached to it, which in fact is counter to my beliefs. Fuck PETA and everything they stand for. Oh, this isn’t Great Debates? Shit.

Poisoned children’s cereal

Some kind of Asian dish I suppose. Possibly containing dog. :eek:

You remind me of me. :slight_smile:

I think I’d taste citrusy… and would take a few bites to get used to. Oh, and don’t catch me on a bad day because I might be bitter…

Tumbleddown would probably be some manner of cooking eggs.

I dislike eggs.

Icky. Really, really tough, and chewy, and dry. It would probably taste like paper, with a bit of ‘potato skin’ flavor thrown in.

Scrapple Tofu ?

Mine is, too. (“Turkey breast” in Hungarian. But I don’t particularly like turkey breast.)

gummy candy with a liquid center

(I just grossed myself out)

“Celyn” being “holly”, I think I would be pretty toxic, and no-one would like me.

Uhhhhhh… yeah. Depends on how you want your cat done, I suppose…

A tea flavored gum. It would still help you “stay fresh a little longer.”

Melted butter.

Depends on how you pronounce it, I think.

“Lee-koh” Leiko (that’s the name in my head) sounds like leek soup.

“Like-oh” Leiko would be a gamer/internet nerd targeted range of “deceptive” foods. The brand would start with what looks like bacon but is actually a flavored/scented piece of sugar candy and eventually grow in a huge brand. If, you know, it was a food.

(I initially misinterpreted the question as “What would your name be if you have to be named after food?” and I was going to say scalloped potatoes because they’re delicious as hell, a bit salty, and for me they’re full of tradition and I like tradition.)

A classy alcoholic beverage garnished with a dash of gunpowder, I’d say. :slight_smile:

Mine already is, but if it were a food product or recipe or some such, I suppose it would be some kind of salamagundi

Some trendy, fruity cocktail.