If you're not watching iZombie, you should be!

The show continued with the pun names- the mercenary organization is called “Filmore Graves”. I guffawed.

Rob Thomas (the show’s creator) has referred to Rob Thomas (the musician) as “the more talented Rob Thomas”, so it was quite amusing to see the musician get killed off in the season finale. “This is how his head breaks.”

You had to recognize the song the soldier was playing after eating his brain at least right?

Probably in the Fall. The DVD should be out, then. I think.

Did not know that.

Nope. What was it?

I wish I could catch up. I watched season 1 on Netflix, loved it, but never understood what channel it was on. Then I stumbled across a commercial for season 2 and it was already halfway over, and I could not find the first episodes On Demand.

Anyone know where I can find season 2 On Demand? So I can gear up for Season 3?

CW only goes back a few episodes, I think. You might have to wait.

Amazon Prime does sell them for $3 a pop, though. A bit expensive.

Unwell by Matchbox 20, Rob Thomas’ former band from the 90s. Basically the reason he is famous.

One of my very favorite series. Right up there with another CW show, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

Yeah, CW is putting out some surprisingly great content. Crazy ex girlfriend is a must watch for me too.

I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It’s by far the best new show this season and does a great job of mixing humor with serious drama about relationship issues.

Interesting tidbit: Rachel Bloom is the only person to win a Golden Globe and be nominated for the Hugo Award.