Did anyone see the ads for the new McDonalds salad? Verbally, they call it the “Fiesta Vida”, but the text on the screen says “iFiestaVida”. Furthermore, when I google “FiestaVida”, or “Fiesta Vida Salad”, it returns things, but not “iFiestaVida” (but maddeningly, nothing from a McDonald’s website). Perhaps this is a typo which got past the editors, who thought it was a New Economy thing? Or is this really the spelling (I doubt it.) Or perhaps it was misspelled on purpose to get people to pay more attention to it (I doubt that, as well.)
Haven’t seen the ad, so help me here. Is it spelled “iFiesta Vida!” or just “iFiesta Vida”? Because you may be seeing a lowercase “i” when it’s really an upside down exclamation point, as is commonly used in Spanish grammar…
Oh, and…McDonald’s is calling their new salad “Celebration of Life”?!
Thanks, jayjay, i didn’t even think of that! I’ll check next time the ad comes on, but IIRC it was not part of an exclamatory sentence.