So, I have a midterm in US history in the morning. I don’t want to take it. I haven’t even really started studying for it. I am bored by everything we’ve covered so far. I also don’t see the point of having a midterm in a six week, Saturday only course. We spend two weeks learning. One week taking a test. Two weeks learning and another week taking the final.
So, I left work at 5:00 with the knowledge that I have to be an expert on Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Train Strikes and Woman’s Suffrage - all before I go to bed tonight. So, what do I do? I got my nails done! They look so nice. I also stopped at the deli to get some yummy sammiches and potato wedges for dinner. Then, I stopped at the corner store to buy lottery tickets and a drink. I ate dinner. I took the trash down. I had a popsicle. I’m watching House Hunters and screwing around on the internet.
On the one hand, I feel really bad about blowing off my studying. After all, I AM paying a butt load of money for this class and it is required for my degree. On the other hand, I’ve always hated History and I didn’t want to take the class in the first place.
I did actually study the train strikes last night and I’m about half done studying Carnegie. I just remembered that I also have to do my homework for the week - read a chapter and answer a bunch of questions.
What really sucks is that my conscience is going to beat me up if I try to go to bed without finishing all this tonight.
I can’t believe I’m being so bad. I love school. I love studying. I just really don’t feel like doing it right now.
Please guys - don’t bitch me out about wasting my professor’s time, my parent’s money or for being an irresponsible child. There’s a reason this isn’t in the pit. I’m a perfectly responsible adult and I’m paying my own way so the only person I’m screwing is myself
congodward, that’s interesting to know that you think there’s nothing wrong with screwing yourself over.
But I understand completely if this isn’t the time to study. Cut yourself a little more slack. But how much time? Thirty minutes? Time for a shower and a cup of coffee? Then don’t beat up on yourself at all for thirty minutes.
Or try telling your professor you’ve been a bad bad girl. Demonstrate your sincere interest in learning by dressing up in a schoolgirl uniform. I’ll think you’ll find him surprisingly sympathetic.
Actually, I’m kind of distressed that I seem so willing to blow off this class. However, I did manage to kick myself into gear. I should be able to get a B on this. I finished reading the chapter my professor assigned for this week. It was all about Wilson wimbling on foreign policy, and WWI.
I also studied the 4 questions I want to address on my test tomorrow. I still have to write the page and a half for each question but that is what I have to do in class tomorrow.
All I have to do now is answer the 12 questions that relate to the chapter I just read. Unfortunately, it’s 10:54 and I have to get up for school at 5:30. I have to finish this soon. Little Nemo: if I thought it would help me, I would. However, I’m about 80 pounds over weight. Despite the big boobs, red hair, and blue eyes, I don’t think I’m that yummy looking that any school girl outfit would help me. Besides, I’m the same age as my professor’s daughters - that’s just icky.
A bad girl who screwed herself over… Uh-oh! Naughty thoughts!
Well I didn’t study for my calculus quiz that was this morning, after missing two classes. So, I win.
You’re right, you do win. I just finished my test and despite forgetting a name, I think I did quite well. I have a wicked cramp in my hand but I finished 40 minutes early so unless everyone else finishes early, I have a nice break ahead of me.
I love this school. There’s a computer right outside my classroom so I can screw around while everyone else takes the test