Im having boy trouble someone help!

Im having some serious country boy trouble:eek: and i need help

Moved from ATMB to MPSIMS.

samclem, moderator

How can you be so sure it isn’t ATMB?

I think you’re going to have to be just a tiny bit more specific. :slight_smile:

Well there’s your problem.

Stop playing with boys and get a man.

Is a “country boy” a boy from the country (as opposed to the city)? Or is it a boy who likes or plays country music? And what specifically is your problem?

Or is “country boy” just an euphemism for something else, like lazy eye or low gas mileage?

What? Ewe pregnant?

Tell him he sucks at line dancng and judge his reaction. :slight_smile:

Seriously, fovevercountry, give us the story. We need everything except his name and address.

Maybe the country boy is a C-grade country musician.

Is it John Denver?

Could it be that “lazy eye” or “low gas mileage” are euphemisms for short arm issues, or a lack of lead in the pencil?

I think you’ve nailed the problem. Her boyfriend’s dead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, John Denver can never really die. He’s like Frosty the Snowman that way.

Well actually, that’s just one of the many ways that he’s like Frosty the Snowman, but there’s no need to go into the others, right now.

Okay, I guess I’ll help you with your country boy problem. One of you is going to have to move so that you can be together. I suggest that that he moves into the city so that you both have lots of opportunities for jobs and education, and then, after a few years or so, you both move back to the country for a slower-paced, less stressful life.

I disagree. I think the country boy problem is that the OP’s Dad doesn’t like the brand of tractor the country boy uses farming, but he refuses to change even for the sake of the relationship.

Should she ignore her father’s wishes and keep dating the boy who uses a sub-par brand tractor? Or should she dump the boy for a man who drives a real tractor?

I keep telling you, you have to dig that pit in your basement much deeper or they’ll keep escaping.

No, the country boy problem is that he never cleans the mud and shit off his boots before he comes into the house. How is anyone supposed to live with someone messing up your carpets every damned day?

Those boys, I heard you cain’t take the country outta 'em.