I'm me

Hey, we’re all free to be you and me.

Sing it, Marlo!

Nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooobody expects –

:: Looks around ::

Where did everybody go? :confused:

And I’m Rick James’ bitch.

I am me again now, but for a few brief moments this morning, I was a 14 year old Tibetan goatherd, wandering the foothills of the Himalayas. A strange meoldy popped into my head which, had I known it to recognize it, I would know as the theme from James Bond. I began to try to hum this music in my head, but became distracted by the bleating of my herd. I looked up to see three black helicopters hovering. A voice came from one the helicopters ordering me to become me again, and so here I am.

I’ll Be You and You Be Me

Naaa…how about You Be Me For Awhile And I’ll Be You?

You are we.

I’m Gunnar Kekyarse. That not a threat, that just my name. A lot of people get defensive when I introduce myself, unfortunately.

It’s all about me. Me, me, me, me, me.

Doh, ray, meeeeee!!!

Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee,
Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee,
We’re talkin’ fuckin’ Lee.

I had a friend named Lee,
He cast a spell a spell on me.
If me and Lee and KG could be three,
Flyin’ free Tenaciously,

Skinny-dippin’ in a sea of Lee,
I’d propose on bended knee
To Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee,
Lee Lee,
Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee,
Lee Lee,
Le-Lut-Le-Le-Le-Lee Lee Lee,
Le-Lut-Le-Le-Le-Lee Lee.

This thread has made me laugh and feel less annoyed. I realize that I can do nothing to correct this person because he seems quite insane. More unfortuneately he is in the media and so has the ear of thousands. I hope that people have to good sense to pick up that he is both reckless with the truth and INSANE.

Brian: Look, you’ve got it all wrong! You don’t need to follow me, You don’t need to follow anybody! You’ve got to think for your selves! You’re all individuals!
The Crowd:** Yes! We’re all individuals!

Brian: You’re all different!

The Crowd: Yes, we are all different!

Man in crowd: I’m not…

Just when I thought I should laugh this guy off an IT news publication that I read has said that this wacko has published the names and IP addresses of his attackers! I am being accused of attacking someone while taking on a false name in a publication that I, my friends, and many in the industry that I work in read.

Actually, it would be “Cogito me cogitare ergo cogito me esse.”: literally, 'I think myself to think therefore I think myself to be."

I called a lawyer. I am hoping they can advise me.

This guy was asked to stop putting up lies and he won’t admit he is wrong and won’t take down the lies. And he called me a he. He has pictures that he claims are me and KellyM. I think he thinks I am the one with a beard. Neither of us has a beard. He has my cell phone number. At least he is not publishing that yet.