I'm once again employed...I wish I knew what the new job was.

OK, I’ve been unemployed since December 1st (with a compensation package that paid me until January 1st.) Since then, I’ve been looking for a job like it was a job, Sunday and Wednesday newspaper want ad searches, most days on-line looking for a job.
Well, I’ve got a job; I get my official offer letter tomorrow. As long as they don’t test for caffeine or nicotine, I’ll ace the drug test. It pays more and it’s hourly, so I’m not getting screwed on O/T like the previous place of employment. It has better benefits, and is a “lower” position then I had (which means less responsibility/stress then before.)
The problem? The position is new, my new boss can’t tell me exactly what the job entails because they’ve never had anybody do it before. I’m taking bits and pieces from the jobs of at least three other people, from what I’ve been told.
I can do it, but I’m nervous as hell because it’s been awhile since I’ve been with a new company; I was at one place for 13 years, the second for three months, and the third for 4 years.
This isn’t in the Pit because I’m not bitching or whining, I’m scared as hell. Logically, I know I can do whatever they want/need me to. Emotionally, I have self-esteem issues and don’t know if I can do it. The lack of clear responsibility/demands has me scratching my head. If I was single, or at least not a dad, I wouldn’t care too much. As it stands though, it’s not only my wife and I that I have to look out for, its the D.E.S.K.Kids.
We’ll make it, I’ll do what needs to be done to insure that. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m biting my nails until I’ve done the job and know in my heart that I can do it.
I’m not sure why I’m posting this, except I have no IRL friends to share it with.

Thanks for wasting your time with this OP— DESK

Congratulations on the new job. Wishing you luck and joy in your new career. :slight_smile:

Relax. Unless the new boss is a total jerk, you’ll do OK as you figure out together what needs to be done.

I often find that fear and excitement are interchangeable. Perhaps you’re focusing on the wrong one?

It doesn’t sound like you need luck, so I’ll go with ‘have fun’ instead.

Look at the bright side - if nobody knows what you should be doing, how do they tell if you are screwing up?

You’re golden.


This is a wonderful opportunity for you to tailor-make yourself a job. Start with the basics, then work from there.