I'm Pitting The Fool: Doc Nickel

Doc Nickel, a.k.a. Dickel, get in here.

On the SUV thread, you began with the profane names and making plays on my user name from the start. That’s fine. It’s the pit and it’s perfectly acceptable. Then you thread-stalked me to a completely unrelated thread and tried to flame me there (lamely) and call names. You have used a variety of variations on my user name in an insulting manner, but I’m fine with that. This is the Pit.

But then, in your most recent post on the SUV thread, you had the nerve to object to me doing the same to you. That really takes the cake.

All I did was shorten “Doc Nickel” to “Dickel.”
I think it fits you very well. “Dickel” sounds like a little prick – and so do you.

Oh, argh, a piercing arrow through the very pith of mine being! However will I face the world again, hence I have been insulted, nay, defamed to my very marrow by the mighty Puckmeister?!?

Lo, I… wait, ‘Pucks’ is profane…? (ahem) Lo, I…

Aw forget it. Being insulted by ol’ Pucks is like getting a collect call from Carrot Top. Mildly annoying and largely pointless. :smiley:

If you’ll note the wording there Puckless, you’ll note I don’t necessarily object to the so-called “insult” itself, I object only to it’s degree. I mean, geez, no references to felched marsupials, not the least hint at carpophagy, and not a thing about my ancestry.

As the saying goes, I’ve been called much worse by far better.

Come on, get clever- if you can. This is the Pit! For example, I could politely ask you to go Puck yourself, or take a flying Puck at a rolling donut. Mildly childish, sure, but geez, at least they’re somewhat more clever than “Dickel” and an allusion to my sounding like a prick.

I’ll give it a… wait, you haven’t even insulted me yet. Well, sorry, no score from the Russian and West German judges, and a .01 from the French judge, but I’m pretty sure that’s just because he has a thing for hairy armpits.

What else ya got Pucks?

Hey!, lets chant:



I think I once had a teacher by that name.

In Soviet Russia, fool pits you!

Shouldn’t we wait for two men, first?:smiley:

I had a teacher named “Suk”. She pronounced it “Sook” (like book). We pronounced it differently.

Ahh, junior high. Good times, good times…

viva le stupid thread! for the revouluntion! for freedom!

Boy. If I had a nickel for everytime this happend…
yeah, ok nevermind…

I thought “George Dickel” was the name of a brand of whiskey?
Yep, here it is.

Now why would Doc Nickel be “insulted” by being addressed as a fine Tennessee sippin’ whiskey? Sounds more like a compliment to me!

I had a gym teacher named Jack Daniels…great, big, corpulent guy with a drinkers nose…

Has Pucky made one positive post in his now 238 post long career? All I’ve seen in Michael Jackson and SUVs.

I’m confused. Which one is the doody-head, and which one is the poopy-butt?

Well if you lost your score card I am sure if you e-mail a Mod they will send you a replacement scorecard on which doddy is who.


Didn’t Mr T used to say “I’m pitting the fool!” ?

I went to a Dr. Dick once, he insisted it was pronounced Deek. I could have handled that if he wasn’t such a um, dick.

And it’s thomething you thure are full of.

You used profanity in your very first post to me.

No, we’re getting tired of your MPSIMS posts about them.
Psst. Dickel, that’s not the type of stuff most people would brag on.

You’d think you’d get the hints by now.

Polyps with more personality than you.

E-Sabbath: I’m flattered that I’ve pissed you off enough that you follow me around from thread to thread. But don’t you think that’s a bit, well, creepy?

E-Sabbath I think he has in one post in that thread, where he posts a reply to himself, quotes himself, and then compliments himself.