When my son was a little more than a year old he cut his head, and not one fucking bandage or antiseptic could be found even with minutes of searching. That made me feel really bad and angry, so I intentionally put together a sensible first aid kit of bandages medical tape and gauze, including antiseptics and sprays with lidocaine.
More than a year passes.
I’m asleep when my wife wakes me up because she cut her toe badly, and whoop de doo not one fucking thing I put together is there. Not a bandage, not a spray not one fucking thing. Even digging in the goddamn boxes and bags she “thinks” she put the various items in is no good. Her brother had to bring stuff he had.
She has a goddamn compulsion to sweet anything in the house that isn’t nailed down into a bag or box which gets packed away in a backroom, hell she’d probably throw it out if it wasn’t for me complaining. I buy tuna or whatever and put it in the kitchen, by the next day it is GONE and not even obvious where the fuck it went. I have to ask her and get duh just look behind those two boxes in the rear bottom cabinet, behind the bricks duh. I have even given up on cooking and shit because I just don’t feel like the work of squirreling out everything I bought yesterday that she has hidden in her particular fashion, I give up.
I thought maybe I could have one room that would not be compulsively reorganized and swept of objects, no go it seems to get the most attention. This has caused so much annoyance in various little ways “where is the cable I left here?” “where are those important documents?” to her it is of primary importance to clear all objects which are not in constant use and it is no big deal if you have to go on a storage hunt to find it when you need it, drives me bonkers.
Pheeeew venting done, but I’m really mad at not even being able to leave alone a damn first aid kit!
But seriously, your post was very effectively written; it made me angry right along with you. I hate having to search for something, especially when I know right where I put it.
Why would anybody empty a first aid kit? I could understand using a few items from it. But after only a year the kit should still have most of its contents.
I’d suggest installing a cabinet door lock on one cabinet. Use it for important emergency items like batterys, flashlight, first aid kit etc. Plus the OP’s tuna.
You could even buy a small, inexpensive premade cabinet at Home Depot. Hang it on a wall in the garage. That way you’re not disturbing your spouses storage. Either way, lock that sucker for sure.
My wife and I rarely have storage issues. It’s been years since she moved anything around on me.
I think it’s pretty clear the OP never assembled the items in an organized container, ie, created a kit. This is the very behavior he despises in his wife. Looks like he bought some useful, needed items, which he probably put wherever made sense to him, and then his wife put in some different location.
I say this because I very much doubt a compulsive put-it-in-storage person would separate the items from a boxed-up kit, even a home made one. OP can correct me if I’m wrong.
For the record, a person who intentionally separates the items in a boxed-up first aid kit, is a bit of a dick.
I’m a bit disorganized about most things. I don’t mind some clutter.
But, tools, flashlights, rope, extension cords are organized. I have wall hooks in the garage where my extension cords, rope, and service light hang. My tools are in my toolbox. My kids learned fast that dad gets very grumpy if stuff isn’t put back. We have a kitchen drawer with pliers, a small hammer, and two screwdrivers for quick spouse & kids access. That way my toolbox doesn’t get raided.
Toolboxes and First Aid Kits exist precisely because thermodynamics has proven that, unless sealed in a plastic or metal container, all infrequently-used-but-very-important items will be in a state of constant drift apart from each other.
Entropy is only satisfied if the bandages, antiseptic, and cotton balls are in seperate rooms. Preferably in different buildings.
I have a “first aid” drawer and people are often amazed when I have to dig into it. I could probably do a semi-major surgery with all the stuff I have in there. I definitely have enough stuff to pack and dress a couple major wounds or traumatic amputations. I guess that’s one of the perks of having a farm full of animals that have a tendency to try to kill themselves on a semi-regular basis.
I do prefer that things be reasonably organized, DH does have his territory where I don’t rearrange without consulting him (as long as it’s not horribly unsightly, since it’s part of the living room), he’s fine with me managing the rest of the apartment as I’m most comfortable with, since I’m a full-time homemaker. As long as one of us can find a needed object reasonably quickly, he’s content. (And the first-aid kit is in a conspicuous, easy-to-reach spot in the kitchen.)
My partner and I went through the same issues when we first met. For three years we tried to coexist, but he was constantly “putting things away” without telling me where anything was. The solution? When I relocated back here, the house next door happened to be for sale . . . so now my partner and I coexist as next-door neighbors.
My house has the “lived-in” look: Usually a few dishes to be cleaned, blinds that need to be dusted, papers that need to be gone through, a computer surrounded by things I use all the time.
His house? Everything is neat and clean and organized . . . and not in a place I’d think to look for it. And his computer sits on a table that’s otherwise bare. And he literally vacuums his two dogs.
She may need to get some counseling. I had a friend whose ex-wife was a compulsive cleaner. She ended up scouring the entire house every single day and it still wasn’t good enough for her. She quit going outside so she could devote more time to cleaning and ended up with a phobia of the outdoors.
What timing! My SO was just complaining to me that his roommate had moved the first aid kit to god knows where and he cut his hand and could not lay hands on it. He delivered a scathing lecture.wait…are you him? Oh, no…
In MY garage, I typically leave every tool or whatever I use right where it was when I was done with it last. That’s my filing system and it works! When I need something, I just think back to what I last used it for and there it is! It’s always closer to where I’m going to use it than it would be if it was put up (wherever ‘up’ is).
Last month She (Who Must Not Be Named) decided to do me a favor and organized MY garage. :smack: After a few futile attempts at finding where she hid my things, I now make her come downstairs each time I do a project and have her fetch all the stuff I need–it’s either that or the damn cabinet stays broken!