I'm tired of the complaints!!!!

It’s too cold? Wear a sweater.
Your back hurts? Get a massage.
Hate your job? Get a new one.

Oh I suppose you don’t want solutions to your problems, you just want me to listen to you complain. Too fucking bad. If you aren’t interested in my solutions, I’m not interested in your problems. In fact, chances are I’m not interested in your problems, period. What do you expect out of life, everything to just be perfect? It doesn’t work that way. Everyone has shit to deal with, and frankly I’m tired of hearing about yours.

Note: this is addressed to a couple of (non SDMB) people in particular but also is directed towards complainers in general. Also, I am aware of the irony in complaining about complaining so you need not point it out.

So I guess that means I shouldn’t mention my itchy rash, eh?

dreams about the solution of most of lifes problems


I’m sure the 3 or 4 non stupid people in the world would have a nice happy life. The rest of the world could continue blaming each other and bitching in what ever soulless eternity is reserved for the unbelieving. (I’m hoping its France then I can spend ALLL of eternity annoying the french.)

[Hey I never said who’se hell it would be]

It is our right to complain even though we could always find someone who has it worse off then we do. I know this.

Take me for example.

I have been looking forward to playing shinny ever since the weather turned cold. Our volleyball league has started up. My playing season for both was cut short last year when I tore up my knee but I was thinking I am okay to start skating and playing some kick ass v-ball again.

I woke up on Monday morning and could barely stand up due to the excruciating pain originating in my lower right side. I thought it was appendicitus and after spending six hours in emergency with no food or water I was told I REALLY pulled a muscle in my groin and abdominal area. How I did this is a mystery but I think it was the wild and crazy monkey sex with the woman that did it. :slight_smile:

So I won’t be playing any shinny, I can’t pick up my daughters, it’s difficult to stand or sit for any amount of time and the medication is making me feel like shit. It blocks the pain alright but that’s all it does. About two hours before I can take any more medication the pain returns with more pain buddies. Imagine being kicked in the balls (if you have any) repeatedly and that should give you some idea of how it feels.

Monday was also good in that the alternator went in my car. It would be really easy to fix if I could get out there and turn wrenches. I can’t even pick up my toolbox without spasms of pain.

So tulley, I am going to complain just a little if that’s okay. If you don’t want to hear me bitching don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

I complained that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.

I used to complain about my life until I met a blind man and walked a mile in his shoes. Then I stole the blind man’s shoes, since he was a mile away and couldn’t see me anyway.

Fuck you.

I’m one of those complainers. I do things about the things I complain about. Go get a sweater? Well, I had one yesterday, but I got so hot at work that I almost passed out, so today I wore layers and a jacket, but it’s now so COLD at work that I’m freezing. Maybe it’s PMS. How am I supposed to fix that, dickwad?

I complain about my job, where they told me they’d get me in a permanent position, and get my pay raised to the level for the work I’m doing, and put me off for 6 months straight, and then told me there is little to no chance of doing so. So I like what I’m doing, I hate my fucking pay, I hate my fucking boss. And this company is the #1 IT company in the city, so I’m looking at getting a higher paying job inside the company, but I’m only going to be here until May anyways, so the whole point of getting that pay raise so the wedding would be a bit more affordable, has gone up in fucking smoke. Again, what should i do about this? I have nothing in writing, all the guys in the upper ranks are disgusted by it, but it’s been a bad year for the profit margin and there’s really shit I can do about this one.

I complain about not seeing my fiance. He’s in another country. I would be VERY FUCKING HAPPY to do something about that. oh hold on, I am, we’re getting married! Next year. Until then, I will continue complaining because I still miss him and he’s still the number one thing I think about.

You don’t like my complaining? You’re complaining about MY complaining? Go take a fucking number and stand in the I-dont-give-a-shit line.


P.S. Feynn, man, the more I read, the more I love you in that platonic sorta way.

BTW, don’t take the above too seriously, i’m just in a bad fucking mood. Fuck.

“BTW, don’t take the above too seriously, i’m just in a bad fucking mood. Fuck.”

Venoma - You mean you don’t love me in that platonic kind of way?


I, for one, am complaining about how sick and tired I am about people complaining about how sick and tired they are.

Oh, yeah? Well, it really scrolls my nerd to see somebody complaining about how sick and tired he is of people complaining about how sick and tired they are. Boy!

Oh quit your bitchin’. I voluntarily gave away my left nut in high school and was robbed of a peter to pay Paul. The Wound Care Center has their eye on my anus and there’s no let up in hair between my eyebrows. The nail on my booger finger has been worn to a nub and my right earlobe is shaped like Iowa.

Yeah, I wish a fucking sweater would solve my problems. Wus.

Note to self: those who want people to quit complaining should probably quit surfing in the Pit.

And yet I somehow agree. I think it boils down to this: no one can complain about anything but me.

On second thought, there are a few Dopers who I’d have to let continue, but only because it’s so goddamn entertaining.

(who complains about a lot of shit lately)

tulley, why don’t you turn your co-worker onto the SDMB, specifically the pit? With a forum to vent my gripes and the humor provided by reading the thoughts of other posters, I go home each day about as pissed as a priest on Prozac.

Seriously, where else can you bitch about the loss of eyebrow hair and receive enthusiastic responses?

Oh, tulley, I’m sorry you’re sick of hearing folks bitch and moan all the goddamn time. I know how you feel because folks bitch and moan to me all the time too. Oh well. I do the best I can for them by just listening. I may try to suggest solutions, but I’ve found most folks don’t really want any advice. They already have an idea of what they need to do. They just need to vent. All they really want is for someone to listen to them. But I guess you’re tired of even doing that. Poor thing. You hang in there, dear. When folks come bitchin’ to you, look all concerned and insert a “Mmm. Hmm.” in the monologue every now and then, and just think your own happy thoughts. That way everybody immediately concerned will get what they need. :wink:

As for me, I don’t have anything to bitch about to you. I’m just sitting here happy being happy. :smiley:

Feynn, I hope you feel better soon, dear.

Venoma, I hope things will look up for you too, dear. Hang in there.

You ever notice that no matter how busy someone complains about being, they always have time to stop and complain about how busy they are?

So I took his shoes.