I'm too gullible!

I generally tend to fall for stuff. For example, just this evening I fell for a thread of KOKOKO8080’s in which he said his fiance died…I imed offering sympathy, and was informed that it was all a joke. (It wasn’t funny!)

But I’m ok with that. I didn’t lose my cool.

However, now I’m REALLY pissed. I had a brief fling with a guy friend of mine back in June. He has made no effort to try to see me since then. Any effort on my part to get together with him has been met with excuses. I would have been fine with a just friends thing, but the fact that he has been totally leaving me in the dust is really pissing me off. I had to hear from a friend of his that he wasn’t interested in me anymore. He didn’t even have the decency to tell me himself. He used me. He wanted someone to make out with, I was there. He used me without a second glance. I thought he was a sweet guy, that he cared about me at least as a friend. I thought he had a conciounse. Apparently not.

He’s leaving you in the dust because you’re chasing him.

Lesson learned.

Because of course men must chase women and women must be chased.


monica, he sounds like a wanker. Don’t believe that because you’ve done the decent polite thing and made overtures that there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t.

Sounds like you should consider yourself fortunate you are no longer involved with the guy, monica.If it is meant to be, someone far better will come along.

Monica, the one lesson in life that MUST be learned is that ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS.

And for some reason, the one that we most want ends up being the biggest bastard of the lot!

Here’s a big cuddle all the same…((((((( ))))))))…I reckon it won’t make you feel any better though!

What you need is some quick revenge…(but keeping with the new ‘tone’ of the board, I’m not gonna be stupid enough to recommend any particular variety). I’ll leave that to your imagination and the depths of your ire…:smiley: :smiley:

Monica, you live in Virginia Beach. I live in Virginia Beach. Per kambuckta’s suggestion, let’s get together for some girly revenge!

Allow me to tell a story. Years ago, when my mom was dating, her friend set her up on a blind date. Blind date was nice, but boring, boorish, couldn’t dance, etc etc.

Mom fakes a headache and goes home, immediately telling friend what a dope she is.

They hatch a plot.

One Saturday afternoon, they make a gigantic batch of chocolate chip cookies - more than 7 dozen! But wait. They don’t use chocolate.

They used Ex-lax. :eek:

Mom goes to bad date’s house, says she’s sorry that things didn’t work out, but wants to make a peace offering. She gives him all the cookies.

I should mention at this point that everyone involved in this story was part of the Navy Medical Corps. Mom and friend as nurses, buddy boy as a corpman.

To resume: bad date is given cookies.

Bad date doesn’t show up for duty for the next week and a half.

Mom called him up (she thought he’d be ok after eating them for one day), and discovered that he ate them for breakfast each morning.

Hence, the inability to make the duty shift.

I propose an Ex-laxing! Give him a Trojan Horse of chocolate goodies, and then wait for them to take their effect.

Good Luck!

I’m not sure if this was meant in jest or not, but just in case kambuckta was serious, let me just say that no, all men are not bastards.

Including, possibly, this guy who dumped you. I know you are smarting right now, and may not want to hear this, but at least keep in mind the possibility that this guy may have genuinely been attracted to you at the time, but then spent some time with you and realized that he wasn’t. This happens to people all the time, it is in fact the whole purpose of dating, and is not in itself a bad thing.

Should he have had the guts to tell you in person? Absolutely, and the fact that he didn’t does not speak well of him. But, depending on his age and experience level, it may be that he just didn’t know how to say this in a mature manner, and took this way out as a default.

And please don’t listen to WV_Woman. There is nothing wrong with actively making overtures to a man you find attractive. If you likes you in return, he won’t think there’s anything wrong with it, either.

So, just because the guy isn’t up to your mom’s standards, he receives a week and a half of diarrhea.

And this doesn’t strike you as a little bit harsh, SUPERKARLENE?

I try to live by the rule that the more you can forgive, the better off you are, so long as you don’t make the same mistake twice. I’m in the process of forgiving someone for an excruciating amount of pain, learning not to blame said person or myself for what happened, and trying to understand… This guy’s failings aren’t uncommon or exceptional. What he did wasn’t cool, neither is what was done to me an example of what a well-developed and mentally healthy person would do (IMHO)… but if I remained angry at said person forever, I’d miss out on a really good friendship… so I’m doing everything possible to not start to hate said person. So I’m listening to all of my favorite music and letting resentment drain away, vengeance is a lengthy and wasteful quest. Remember that NO ONE actually goes out of their way to be a bad person… but people are generally selfish and insensitive, and cowardly if they think they’ll get away with it.

Yes, I have developed sharing into a bad habit.

No, kambuckta, they’re not. I truly believe a woman who winds up with this attitude deserves whatever bitterness she feels.

monica, you seem like a really nice, trusting, good-natured woman who made a bad choice. Hopefully you can learn a lesson, forget about the rest of it, and move on. With those character traits you should attract more good guys than bad ones.

Keep in mind, though, that the guy may not have had the intent of using you. Yes, he’s an ass for not talking to you. But he may be avoiding you because he feels guilty for what happened, not because it’s the final step of the Use Monica Program.

Or, he could be a bastard. Either way, please stay who you are and don’t wind up like kambuckta.

So he was nice, but a clod, and so she ex-laxed him? Sorry, but what a bitch!

When I was a resident rotating thru the local pediatric hospital, we had a 4 year old in the ICU for a week who ate ex-lax tainted cookies. Kid got diarrhea, got dehydrated, and nearly died.

Big joke. Big fucking laugh. Altering food products! What an idea!


Uh, for the humour-impaired among us, you can be sure kambuckta was speaking in jest.

I agree with what has been said about serving a laxative to a boring date. What if he was actually a bad person, rather than a boring one? Rat poison? Sheesh.

You know KARLENE, how could your mom be sure that he would not share the cookies with a toddler, or an elderly person, or a person who was already sick? A Navy nurse for crying out loud.

I am just living in fear of what you would do to me for my usual boring posts. And I must remember to stay out of Virginia Beach, should I inadvertently dance badly in sight of you or your family.

Coldfire, OpalCat, allow me to post the rest of the story. I gave the abbreviated version earlier this morning, but here’s some information that I didn’t include:

After discovering that Clod hadn’t shown up for duty for so long, Mom had an overwhelming guilt attack. She went to his house, and asked him how he was feeling (but still didn’t mention what she had done). He said that every afternoon he was fine, but each morning he kept having relapses. He also told her that the cookies were fantastic, and that he was eating them for breakfast.

At that point, Mom broke down and told him what she had done. He couldn’t believe it.

The cookies were thrown out, and Clod returned to work. Mom was very lucky in that Clod didn’t report her to the Navy authorities, which would have been well within his rights. But in the end, that point didn’t really matter.

Let’s flash forward to several years later. Mom has met my father. They’ve just gotten engaged. They treat themselves to a nice night on the town, at an expensive restaurant. And who does Mom see at another table but Clod…

Clod walked over, said hello, and introduced himself to my father. He asked what they were doing at the restaurant, and they explained that they were celebrating their recent engagement.

Clod then had a great moment of inspiration. Determined that Dad should know everything about his future bride-to-be, Clod spills the whole story then and there.

Silence at the dinner table. Instant humiliation. Mortification galore.

Wedding almost got called off. After hearing that Mom was the Great Ex-Laxer, Dad had some doubts about his future with her should they ever get in a fight.

So yes, I do feel that Mom stepped out of bounds, yes I do feel that Clod got more punishment than he deserved, but no, I don’t lose sleep about it at night, since Clod ultimately got vengeance.

Sugaree, I wouldn’t be scared if I were you. I was describing the antics of my Mother. All the poeple that know both me and my mother agree that while she and I could be twins physically, in terms of personality we couldn’t be farther apart. Of all the guys I’ve dated, nothing like what I described earlier has ever happened. It was never even a consideration.

And, if you look through my posts in the past, I think you’ll find that my posts are usually as boring as you claim yours to be. No reason to think I’m the dragon-lady SDMB poster.

When some man does something to annoy me, or bore me, or offend me, the only punishment he gets is to never be allowed to contact or see me ever again. Truly, a fate worse than Ex-Lax.

Karlene, I’m glad it all turned out okay. When you started and ended your post with an offer to do some Ex-Laxing yourself, it wasn’t obvious that you were completely joking.

Yes, you jus’ sit yer pretty lil ass next to the phone and wait for the men to come a chasin’ you.

Whatfuckingever :rolleyes:

SUPERKARLENE, I just read your latest post and still think your mom is a bitch.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yep, some of you really are suffering impairment of your funny-bones.
The ‘All men are bastards’ statement is a fairly universal platitude offered to any sheila who is feeling miserable after a relationship break-up. Of course it is not true!

Get some perspective peoples. Sheeeesh.

(sometimes I really worry about this board) :rolleyes: