I generally tend to fall for stuff. For example, just this evening I fell for a thread of KOKOKO8080’s in which he said his fiance died…I imed offering sympathy, and was informed that it was all a joke. (It wasn’t funny!)
But I’m ok with that. I didn’t lose my cool.
However, now I’m REALLY pissed. I had a brief fling with a guy friend of mine back in June. He has made no effort to try to see me since then. Any effort on my part to get together with him has been met with excuses. I would have been fine with a just friends thing, but the fact that he has been totally leaving me in the dust is really pissing me off. I had to hear from a friend of his that he wasn’t interested in me anymore. He didn’t even have the decency to tell me himself. He used me. He wanted someone to make out with, I was there. He used me without a second glance. I thought he was a sweet guy, that he cared about me at least as a friend. I thought he had a conciounse. Apparently not.