In Search

The other week I was curious to find out about me. So I looked at the Yahoo white pages to see if I was listed. The results of that search were posted in an earlier thread. I thought there might be some SDMB folks who would be interested in doing the same thing.

Well, I was reading a thread over in great debates and reread one of my postings which said, in essence, that you had to know about yourself [to some degree] in order to have a more successful relationship with another person be s/he an adult or child.

I decided that I needed to know abit more about myself than just my home phone number and email address. So I went to Ask Jeeves to see what the various search engines could reveal to me about me. Sigh, not much was there. So I moved on to Yahoo where I found over 5,000 sites that had either my full name or parts thereof. 5,0000 sites is a fairly large number so I decided to run an unscientific sample of the first 5% notations. Here’s a few that I ran into:

a. I was part of an audit on travel expenses of some Tennesse college. My annual salary is $11,500 +/- with no travel expenses. I have only driven straight thru Tennesse once so I guess that’s not me.

b. Part of me was listed on Varmint Al’s Gun Rights and Politics Page - a listing of FBI reports. I don’t want to find out about those negative things about me so I probably won’t ask the FBI for a copy of my report under the Freedom of Information Act.

c. Parts of me has bought real estate in Ohio and other kinda boring places, if I remember the midWest correctly.
Unfortunately I didn’t buy property in Malibu CA or New York City - I would have liked beach front property or some small townhouse [three floors - 2,000 sq ft each floor] in the East 60s.

d. There are various high school graduate and college alumni lists. I have taken Cecil’s “fighting ignorance” with a vengence. I hope my GPAs are impressive.

e. Eureka! I post on two message boards! No, SDMB was not listed nor did I find Teaming Millions yet. These are on public health and Africa. I don’t know if you can really call these message boards. Messages are sent out to members and you can respond. There’s lots of messages about West Nile Virus, immunizations, AIDS and exotic infectious diseases that make you sick to your stomach. I know I am a member - my email site tells me so.

As I said there are over 5,000 sites so it will take me a while to learn more about myself. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how I can cut this list in half or where else I might find out about myself…