In what guilty pleasure do you indulge, and then pass it off as "for your children"?

C’mon parents… We’ve all done it!
Taking your kids for ice cream because you just can’t wait another minute to have a double-dip butter brickle or playing catch with them 'cuz they’re really really impressed that you can still throw a curveball.


I love to hear the sound of my own voice -AND- I love the writings of Shel Silverstein.

I’ll read his poetry to the GrizzCub over and over and over 'til I’m hoarse. The writing is so animated that I just can’t help but launch into dramatics, changing my voice to become different characters and giving excessive inflections.

What about you?

What causes you to internally leap for joy when your kids suggest it?

When milliAmp begs us to go to Chuck E. Cheese.

Baking cookies. I try not to keep too many fattening treats in the house, but, hey, the kid’s got to have something for her lunchbox, right?

Also, buying crayons, paints, colored pencils, and such.

And going to the Natural History Museum to see the cool dinosaurs.

This is a poll – not a question with a factual answer.

Off to IMHO.

DrMatrix - General Questions Moderator

Give them money, because I can’t stand the stuff.

Dr Matrix…
Many apologies.

Tuna Noodle Casserole.

Complete with canned cream of mushroom soup and lots of grated cheddar.

Disney movies.
Kid’s books; I work in a library and get to preview all the good new ones.
Halloween: My 4 yr old son very politely requested that I dress up this year. When I asked him what I should be, he said a “pretty pink mommy dog that lights up.” Guess what costume mommy made out of old sweats, lame’, Christmas lights, felt and glitter? I even did the nose! Hubby fell on the floor laughing. Who cares?
Any chance I can to let him “meet” the local sports stars. We’ve (I’ve) met Randy Johnson, Luis Gonzalez, the entire Phoenix Mercury, and most of the (pardon the phrase) lesser Suns as well as Cheryl Miller. He loves RJ, but couldn’t have cared less about the rest, even Gonzo.
Going to the park and swinging (on the swings, pervs).
Chocolate milk.

Watching cartoons. And the sad thing is, I don’t even HAVE children! :eek:

ooh! Cartoons!
I forgot about that.

And, as soon as GrizzCub gains more manual dexterity,

I discovered another one last night: I played some of those games long after son went to bed!

I was buying a Harry Potter Griffyndor polo shirt in the girls department of Sears the other day. When the cashier asked me if I wanted to use my Kids Club discount card (or something) I had to confess the shirt was for me and I didn’t even HAVE kids.

You think it’s inappropriate for an adult to do this, without it being for the kids’ sake?

Sad. Very sad.

Shopping at the toy store. Not that it fools my wife – she knows I’ll gladly go there alone… :smiley:

My 3.5 year old held me at gunpoint the other day and said,
“Take me to the playground with the green slide.”

I mean, what could I do?

Slot cars. Train sets. Hot wheels motorized tracks. Sure that 40 feet of slot car track with the loop-de-loop and the spirals (and did I mention the whole thing glows in the dark and the cars’ headlights work??) was for Dominic’s birthday. That doesn’t mean I haven’t clocked several hours with the little gun-trigger-controller thingie in my hand whizzing those little guys around the track!


All of the Star Wars sets… and anything with Divers in it…

I’m putting them aside for my little lad, really. :slight_smile:

Vegas. Brothels. NAMBLA meetings.

Since I had never heard of Bob the Builder, I went to check out the site…The first game I clicked on was Bob Lays Pipe. I was thinking wtf? Until I saw the game. sigh I REALLY need to get my head out of the gutter.smacks self

Back to the topic, I help coach baseball practice. Gives me a good excuse to play. Unlike my little league days, I can actually hit the ball now!

Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons!

~I know it wasn’t right, but it felt so good… -Better Than Ezra

:eek: :frowning:
<forwards this thread to the Dept of Children’s Services>