In what ways are you most childlike

Inspired by this thread, where some people feel being childlike makes you mentally ill. I don’t.

I take great delight in little things, and try to find three good things that happen ever day. Pizza for lunch? Wonderful! I pet a neighbor’s cat? Love it! Get a really good book or a funny T shirt at the thrift store? You go, girl.

I am rarely a phony. What you see is what you get. That’s the thing I love most about children.

I absolutely love the weather. A big thunder storm is going to have me outside in a heartbeat. I’ll go out to play in the snow.

Apparently, asking “why” a lot is childlike.

I am allergic to gossip and also try to avoid making assumptions about people; there are many things which I will treat as pieces of data rather than as “something to hurry and spread”; this is by choice, but still, there are people who think this makes me childlike. I generally prefer those who have told me they find it refreshing.

I get really excited over animals. If I encounter a cat on my neighborhood walkabout I simply must stop and talk to it. When the birds come to the feeders in my backyard I watch them like it’s the first time I’ve ever seen such a creature. God help you if you let me loose in a petting zoo.

I still enjoy the stupid tv shows from when I *was *a child like Gilligan’s Island and Bewitched.

I like to do crafts. Like really doofy ones such as paint by numbers and stringing beads.

Don’t know if this one counts but I heard a local DJ say that adults look stupid eating ice cream cones. Fucko off, buddy, when eating ice cream away from home or a restaurant a cone is mandatory. And don’t be surprised if I make you do an ice cream kiss (where two people shmoosh their ice cream together so each gets a taste of the other).

Amusement parks. We’ll spend maybe 40 days a year in parks, visit at least 10-12 different parks a year with at least 3 being “new to us”, and we’ll even check weather and run a couple hundred miles to take advantage of a rainy day off. My wife is the bigger rider but we both get just such a joy out of the atmosphere and carefree nature that we can have a blast at anything from a small carnival to Cedar Point. We don’t have kids; never did - this is just something we do for ourselves.


Why? :smiley:

I occasionally point at the small, furry animals that live in my house and say “Kitty!”

Since they are in fact cats, I demonstrate that I am able to do what a bright 2-year-old can also do.

to burpo:

I have no idea! You’ll have to ask the person who said that in the other thread. I also like asking “what is this good for?” and proposing “let’s test it, shall we?”, this last one being the older-sister version of “I’m gonna try it see what happens!”

If I’m anywhere that there may occur; interesting rocks and stones, feathers, seashells, etc, I will most certainly return with my pockets full!

Take me to a beach I WILL build a sandcastle!

Asked if he wasn’t afraid of losing me in a crowded third world marketplace, my husband insisted it would be no problem, “She’s like a crow, I’ll just go to where the shiny things are!”

I collect GI Joes.

I often modify or improve them in various ways, such as painting the faces to look more realistic or correcting flaws in the paint job. Sometimes I restore toys from the 1980s that are damaged, have worn paint, need replacement stickers, etc. I return them to “showroom” condition.

Mostly, though, I just like having them for nostalgia’s sake.

I live for today. To hell with regretting the past or worrying about the future. I know what I have to do today, and that’s all that matters. Children and animals think like that. All that counts is the present.

I’d hang out with any one of youse.

I talk too much. :slight_smile:

It’s not that I don’t have a filter, it’s just that I choose to ignore it sometimes.

Because I said so!! (As my dear old momma was wont to say :smiley: )

The way I play with my dogs. I get down on the floor and “wag my tail” and “sneak” up on them! Also chase them around the center kitchen island or they chase me.

I will also bark at dogs I see sometimes. This seems to upset some people I may be walking with - all the more reason to do it!

Everything you said, Annie-Xmas, right down to living in the now.

Other things that thrilled me as a child and still do: getting mail, having a brand-new notebook, cracking open rocks in a river bed, airplanes and air travel (I’m always glued to the window the entire flight), cinnamon toast, exploring a new place, and pulling pranks on friends and family.

Since childhood I’ve been able to tell some ridiculous story with a straight face and sincere manner that fools the listener into believing me. :smiley:

I’m at my most when I read posts by Klu-Klux-Warriors who claim that their Sovereign Citizen Medical Degrees gives them the right to try to diagnose people with whom there is NOTHING WRONG.
“Get Him…! The Stumpf of Drumpf…!”

I get cranky when I feel I’m done somewhere and I can’t just go home.

I have inflatable toys. All but one mainly stay flat in the closet because of the cats.

Played with Matchbox/Hot Wheels cars until 14 and got an old slot car set working.

Same here.

I can be impulsive and get locked into a certain line of thinking.

Ever since middle school, I’ve found it easier to relate to those younger than me rather than my peers. This was a mixed blessing when I spent a season as a volunteer summer camp counselor.

When I meet old childhood friends, I am always disappointed that now they take everything so seriously. My high school reunion was like going to a funeral. People there were trying to sell me insurance. I have come to the conclusion that an amazing number of people can’t even remember their childhood.

I’d love to just go for a ride in the car with someone. As long as they don’t try to sell me insurance. Just talk about silly shit. Stop for an ice cream cone. Play sign games or look for license plates. Ask if we’re there yet. Most of what I know about the world, I learned standing in the back seat, leaning on the back of the front seat, demanding from the front seat occupants explanations of all that I saw.

I still think farts are funny, but so are most things that people take seriously.

School supplies. When I’m traveling in the third world, I can’t resist going into a shop that sells school supplies and buying at least a tablet (a bound book containing unused sheets of paper for writing or drawing on with a pencil) or an eraser. I love the feel of new school supplies.

Snow that packs (i.e., ideal texture and moisture content for making snowballs).
and walking to school through it. But it usually packs better walking home in the afternoon, with more leisure to use it.

Being awakened in the night in the car and carried into the house and put to bed. I think now, we should breed “big people” to carry us when we’re sleepy.

I have a considerable collection of animated Disney movies.