In which a certain shop owner is reviled.

Oh no you can’t compare Autolycus and SBSO, Autolycus has flair and writing style… and it was this February. SBSO posts are like staring at an empty fish tank. I’m sorry but it’s just completely different to Autolycus.

Sorry if it’s creepy that a guest knows that. I’m a woman so I hope that helps. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this opinion is worthy of its very own thread. First however please provide a cite for the first half of that last sentence.

Auto more often than not posted drunk in February, SBSO is exclusively posting retarded in July. Flair or no flair.

And what’s that? You’re a woman? Well, I’m a guy, so that automatically makes me right!

(I’m kidding! Here, take this large tropical spider as a sign of apology)

Post #27 in this thread was the funniest thing I read all week.

Definitely! A big part. Every so often, it seems we get a newbie who is all over the frickin’ place!

Note to Small British Shop Owner and everyone else who’s new here:

You are not doing us a favor by posting, unless you actually have something to say.

If the topic of a particular thread is not your cup of tea, you are under no obligation to read it, and especially not to post to it.

Take a look at some of the other posters’ join dates and post counts. A little division will tell you, on average, how many times per day they post. As a newbie, your posting frequency probably ought to be less than this, until you get a feel for the place.
Not directed specifically to SBSO:

One of the main things I love about this place is that the signal-to-noise ratio is so high. Compared to other message boards, there are relatively few “garbage posts.” People typically don’t post just to say “me too” or “LOL” or “you’re an idiot,” unless they can add some actual content, or at least amusement value.

ETA: The relevance of this (in case it isn’t clear) is that so many people around here actually have mastered the art of refraining from posting unless they have something valuable to contribute. And I love 'em for it.

If you’ve been lurking for a few years, what’s the big deal about waiting one month until you can start a thread (the time limit for “guests”), or just pony up the membership fee in the first place? Seems like every other month or so we get some new “guest” who shits all over this place with 15 threads a day. At the very least there should be some restriction on the number of threads a guest can start-- it can get way out of hand under the current system. Allowing someone to only open, say, 5 threads as a guest doesn’t seem to be too restrictive (assuming that vBulletin makes something like that easy to put in place).

Yeah, SBSO’s posts smell like “Boredom”. If I come accross one in the thread. I usually read it twice, rather than skip over just to try and find some content. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like him, I just find him boring.

If he really is posting like me, by typing whatever floods into his mind, I’d like to offer some advice.

After you write your post, preview it. Read it. Think about it for a moment or two. Have some tea or some beer. About 50% of the time (YMMV) you’ll decide to close the window before hitting submit. Unless you’re adding content or information you’re not helping. A question in GQ is not asking for the opinions of every member who reads the post.

Ask not what the boards can do for you, but what you can do for the boards.

Agree completely.

I just checked back over my own “Threads started” statistics.

I have started 5 threads since June 6 (so 5 threads in about 7 weeks)

I have started 50 threads since April 25, 2006 (50 threads in 15 months)

I’m not saying that i should be held up as a typical or exemplary poster is terms of threads started, and i completely understand that people might want to start many more threads than i do. But a limit for Guests seems reasonable, especially when some are posting double-digit numbers of threads in their first few weeks.

I think a number of reasons for guests starting numerous threads, is firstly a sort of honeymoon period and an excitement for posting, like it’s a new toy
and another reason would be that they don’t want to pay for a message board so will ask all the questions they can or find out other peoples opinions from starting lots of thread in the time that they have.

But also I suppose if you limit the amount of threads they can start, once thats run out and they need to find out something else they’ll have to pony up.

I’m still pretty new, but I love the Dope, so I hope I’m not developing an obnoxious reputation. I mean, I don’t keep track of the frequency of my posting, although I’m sure I post several times a day. And I know that not all of my posts are brilliant contributions, although I do try and offer something constructive (I realize, of course, that exceptions are likely).

As for SBSO, he annoyed me initially (something about anorexia as a cure for obesity rubbed me the wrong way), but I hope he stays. Of course, to do that, he’d need to become a member, which creates a certain amount of legitimate interest in the board that being a guest does not. Just my two cents.

I usually just hop around randomly on this board, and often don’t notice who is posting what…but, 100 posts in a day. Damn.

I just assume that one who runs a small shop in Scotland by himself may have quite a bit of down time. I suppose he does get bored. So what? If you don’t want to read his posts, don’t. Seriously.

If we looked at the contributions of other posters, I am sure some would be just as bad. Why not open a thread about how a bunch of people around here post “too much”? How do people get post counts in the tens of thousands range, anyway? I notice, for instance, that Liberal posts a lot on many days. Why not bitch about that? Because he has been around for a few years, and thus earned the right?

(Oh, and I specifically used **Liberal ** as an example, because I like him. I am not going to contribute to the shitting on random posters.)

So, those who don’t attack offer “helpful” advice…which is condescending as hell. This place really feels like high school sometimes.

Oh yeah-- can someone kindly post a guide as to who is in what clique? I may want to apply for membership to one. Maybe somebody will think I am cool enough, and wear pretty enough clothes! :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s condescending as SBSO has already acknowledged a need to change his behavior on the boards. It’s only fair to tell a person what’s expected of them. Not saying they’re obligated to follow those expectations of course.

Did you miss the part of the initiation where they bring out the Sorting Hat?

Ah. I should have put “often” condescending. You are absolutely correct essell.
Oh, so you’re saying I just didn’t get picked in the first place, Thudlow?

I’M TELLING MY MOM!!!11 :frowning:

He told Jodi to fuck off, in huge letters at that.

That’s like insulting apple pie.

You know that something is not right when you come across someone slinging little balls of deficate derision at Jodi, who is one of the most sensible and down-to-earth posters on the Boards.

I sincerely hope he changes his ways, for that sort of behaviour is uncalled for.

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. I don’t mind Jodi at all but you have to have your tongue pretty far up her ass to think she is someone who never grinds other peoples gears. She was flat out calling him an imposter and a troll when he said “fuck you” to her. Get a goddamn grip, circle jerker.

No, I’m not kidding you.

I see you have the same level of vocabulary as SBSO. Colour me impressed.

Whoop di doo Pollyanna. If you are really not kidding, you are a twit.

Clean enough language, honey buns?

Perhaps it would be helpful if you ditched the kneepants … :stuck_out_tongue:
I kid, I kid

I agree. Hey, I like Jodi a lot and enjoy her posts. She brings a lot to this MB, but she has a temper and isn’t some kind of poster-as-saint. I don’t think **SBSO **was out of line in slinging some shit back at her in the Pit. Besides, she’s got a thick enough skin to take care of herself.

I often wondered why Randy was in use in the US, doesn’t randy mean, well, randy over there?