In which a certain shop owner is reviled.

SBSO, you will agree that shouting FUCK OFF in the largest possible font size is rather low brow?

This is a discussion of you, in which it is CarnalK’s opinion that I am interested.

You are, of course, always welcome to set out your position.

You don’t seem to be able to accept that appropriate behavior is situational. **Jodi **out and out called him a troll, to which “fuck off” is perfectly reasonable response. It was in the Pit, afterall. And I don’t recall **SBSO **saying he thought that The Pit should be high-brow.

In fact, it is you who seem to be stage managing a bunch of indignation in this thread. I don’t see why **CarnalK **can’t see “stage managed” indignation by **SBSO **in one instance but not in another and why **SBSO **can’t wish for “high-brow” discussions in Cafe Society but be OK with “low-brow” discussions in The Pit.

What happened, did Lute Skywatcher lend you his Junior Mod beanie or something? Seriously, WTF.
SBSO: The lowbrow was pitted a few months ago. Back then the consensus was “Cafe Society is fine the way it is*.” I assume nothing much has changed in either the CS content or the prevailing attitudes.

After some reflection on the Pit thread, I decided I’d go with it and enjoy myself. You know what? Cafe Society is a fun place to hang out. And to quote Milhouse: fun is fun. I look there for threads of interest, and if it’s all about The Harry and Lindsay Show, well then I just fuck off somewhere else. Hakuna Matata.

OK, Muffin, you still think getting mad at Jodi is some bellwether of a nut or troll. That’s all I entered this thread to disagree about. Still do.

So to answer: I think that if this thread was trolling then technically SBSO’s indignation would have been “stage managed” if Jodi had been berating him for his opinion on Cafe Society. Being indignant about being called a troll seems unlikely to have been the plan.

Sure dissing an entire popular forum is going to get peoples noses out of joint. That clearly doesn’t a troll make. I don’t remember people calling Heffalump n Roo (or whatever) a troll when she looks down her snoot at the BBQ Pit.

What John Mace said.

Again, I wasn’t wishing for anything, I was just interested in discussing why Cafe Society was the way it was.

Is a novel by Petronius or a poem by Catullus high-brow?

I guess that depends on whether or not the poem by Catullus is about hookers, butt-sex, or any number of other things most people would bar from being high-brow. Catullus can be pretty earthy, to say the least.

[sub]Unless that was the entire point of your choices.[/sub]

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Seriously, I’m done with the high/low brow discussion. I know when I should stop digging!

I would suggest that if you wish to get the full value for your $14.95, you find ways to express your displeasure that are more in line with the rest of the board (you know, like not using huge fonts or ASCII art). There’s a reason you don’t see much of that here. It’s because as a whole, we don’t want it.

Of course, it would get very tiresome if I had a penchant for such things. But no need to worry there!

I’m just an experimental fellow, always ready to try a new way of expressing myself (even if it is a straight copy and paste from google).


And if a copy and paste is sufficient to express yourself, perhaps a little less quantity is in order.

In a sense, all human discourse is re-inventing the wheel. I just thought that the ASCII art was wheely good.

My god, you’re an ass. So far, you haven’t proven that you don’t have a penchant for rude ASCII art or mega-font obscenities. And you expect us to take your word for it when your behaviour has proven otherwise? Don’t be surprised if you find very few friends here. For the most part, subtlety is appreciated.

Muffin, thanks for confirming my suspicions.

I thought the watch was a nice touch

Now that’s too much!


I think it’s quite clear that my behaviour has proven the exact opposite of what you claim it has shown!