Interesting looking small (Pallas Cat) wildcats born in captivity

Videos here - mute annoying accompanying music

Adults here The Unfluffy Truth about Pallas' Cats at Prospect Park Zoo - YouTube

It’s interesting that their irises are circular instead of the slits you see in house cats! They do look fat, but apparently it’s all fur.

Thanks for sharing!

They are ADORABLE.

I’ll never understand why so many people make YouTube videos of things like that, and then put such aggressive music in the background. The music is so obnoxious and invasive. The video would have been so much better served with mild, quiet, instrumental-only music, if indeed it needed any music at all.

This video - a Japanese demonstration of the FN FAL rifle - is a great example of music being used appropriately. That music would have been perfect for the cat video.

Yakety Cats. Not too bad.

They are fab animals- they’ve got them and Scottish Wildcats at the Highland Wildlife Park, and they are all adorable (especially the kittens, who do the little bum wiggle before they pounce).

How cute! The kittens look a bit like plush raccoons.

The same kittens at three months old making adorable faces.

Twitchy little things, ain’t they?

Per wiki you can see (kind of) their unique threat display (for a cat) in this video where they raise the side of their lips to display their canines like dogs.

I like Pallas cats but I find it interesting that even at three months old they don’t look very babyish. Most other big kittens still have kittenish proportions, like bigger eyes in relation to their head than grown ups, and of course huge paws for their size. The Pallas kittens just look like scaled down grown ups.

They look like they are plotting the deaths of everyone they see.

They look like Snark from the Thundercats.

I have to go out and buy another laser pointer, and find some Pallas’ kittens. Because they need to be teased with the laser dot.

I think they look like Sandra Boynton’s cats. And I adore them and want one for my very own.

Anyone else notice it looks like their eyes don’t focus quite straight? If you look at the reflections of lights off their eyes, it’s often in a different spot on the right eye than on the left.

That was something I was told to look for with our kids (and indeed we had a few snaps of my daughter where they were NOT aligned, but medical followup showed they were fine).

I have to admit that I was too fascinated by the twitchy ears to notice the eyes very much.

They are adorable. Anybody else seem to lose about an hour wandering around the youtube videos of pallas cats and other kittehs?

I would love to be licensed to have a breeding pair of them, try to get more to put into a release program. If we move to Fresno the environment would be about right for their original environment. I could see setting up an acre as a breeding preserve.

Am I bad person for wishing to see what they’d look like after they’ve been given a bath and are sopping wet?

I would just like to say that the Pallas Cat is the greatest animal in the animal kingdom and could kick the shit out of a honey badger.

Pallas kittens show up fairly regularly on Its hard to decide which feral, wild, dangerous cat is cutest as a kitten over there - you want to take home one of each (damn the furniture, I’m sure they’d be fine with a scratching post). I’m partial to ocelots.