Is anyone else watching Weeds on Showtime?

This show is really good. Neat writing, nice character acting. Sort of an edgier Desperate Housewives (I mean that in a good way.)

I got tired of MLP’s character on West Wing ages ago, so viewed the pilot of Weeds with low expectations. So far, she’s doing great. And Elizabeth Perkins is hilariously flawed.

Kevin Nealon, though, kills me. In this last episode, when he

Went to the pot store, and hugged the guy

I just about died.


BTW, AuntiePam I’ll second that both Huff and Bullshit are worth the price of subscribing.

And I HATE the theme song. I almost stopped watching the first episode just because of that song. Glad I stuck around, but dear God I hope they change it. I think I liked that god-awful Enterpise theme song better.


Not 100% sure, but in the pilot I thought she said she hooked up with them through her brother-in-law. A quick check of the official site shows him as a character and from the description a likely source of the introduction, but I don’t recall having seen him yet. I guess he’s coming.
Kind of ambivalent about the theme song.

My recollection is also that she mentioned her BIL hooking her up with her supplier.

I have had *Little Boxes * in my head for two days. This morning I had finally gotten away from it, and then damn NPR played it as a wrap-up for their story on tiny houses (which if you consider the meaning of the song, is totally inappropriate, but whatever). It is making me insane. I will welcome the next Wiggles song that infests my brain.

Despite my hatred for the theme song, I tried watching the show, but it just didn’t seem to have much that was of interest to me.

…on our DVR service, you can extend the recording time if you want.

I don’t have Showtime but is this show the Desperate Housewives ripoff (or at least derivative) that it looks like?

Derivative, maybe. But it’s less soap-operaish (however, it is early so things could get more mawkish), a grittier, sadder and much more realistic.

That’s my opinion, anyway.

I’ve been watching this show… excellent. Nothing better than watching Celia get her comeuppance in episode 3. If you don’t hate her by now, there’s something wrong with you. :wink:

I don’t mind the lyrics to the theme song, and it fits well with the theme of the show, but I can’t stand to listen to it. They should’ve gotten someone less grating to cover it.

Any idea who the actress is who plays the Candyman in episode 4?

Jane Lynch, she was Rhapsody in White’s trainer in “Best in Show” too.

Ah, thanks. I recognized her from The 40 Year Old Virgin.

I was torn; we definitely don’t need another show about the dark underbelly of suburbia, but we definitely do need more of Mary-Louise Parker on television. Good to see Kevin Nealon get work, too.

I like it; it’s over the top, but in interesting ways. It’s cool how her dealer’s family seems so much more functional than hers–“functionally dysfunctional”, as a friend of mine likes to put it. (I also loved it when her dealer called her “Betty Cracker”.)

Don’t know if it will be interesting for more than a season or two, but right now I’m enjoying it.