“When I was in my early 20’s I had a girlfriend who repeatedly tried to get me to let her friend suck my dick or have a three way. She felt sorry for her because she didn’t have a boyfriend and was always complaining that no one would touch her.”
That’s part of a post from a different thread.
The question for this poll is: is it plausible that this might actually have happened?
I don’t mean do you think it’s true or not. I mean just, is the claim itself so outlandish that we can feel extremely safe in dismissing it out of hand as something that would never happen? Or is it, instead, believable enough that we need not immediately dismiss it as a practical impossibility?
Specifically, it is the words “repeatedly,” “let,” and “or” that flag this as fantasy writing to me. The gf pestering him about this, including options, propels the tale into wank territory.
As someone who went through something sorta kinda similar I’ll say it’s possible, but I’d put money on the OP’s girlfriend cheating on him. Either already cheating or getting ready to do it. Either way, she’s got someone in mind and just needs a reason to bang him.
If she can get her boyfriend to let some girl to give him a blowjob this opens up a ton of options for her. Anything from ‘that was fun, let’s have an open relationship’ to ‘OMG, I know it was my idea, but I can’t deal with it, we have to break up’ and everything in between.
Girls, if you like some other guy more than the guy you’re with, don’t sleep with him before or instead of breaking up with your boyfriend/husband. It’ll almost never make things better and almost always makes things worse for everyone involved. Either find a way to reconcile/get over those feelings or leave your current SO first.
I would need some context, and I’m not familiar with the original thread.
There are some non-traditional types who might want to encourage this kind of thing as a way to introduce polyamory or swinging or what-not. I know that men tend to be the ones pushing that, but surely not 100% of the time.
Then there are relationship problems that might show up this way. If she’s cheated and wants to feel better, or if she’s looking for ways to dump the guy. Or maybe she wants to hold it as a bargaining chip in future arguments.
But by the terms of the question asked in the OP, your vote should be “believable.” It’s just asking whether there’s enough here to dismiss the claim out of hand. Your post here explains why you don’t think it should be dismissed out of hand.
Joey makes a good point and I think something like that would be a serious possibility. As for myself, sure, there could be one-offs that would technically make it true. Rule 34 and all that. However, in my experience as a woman (and with all my friends, other females, etc. over the past 46 years), I find it more implausible than not.
Why? Because once again, not only would you have to have a 1.) desperate friend, that 2.) was comfortable asking her friend to 3.) ask her boyfriend, but 4.) she’d have to agree it was a good idea, then 5.) go beyond wherever her relationship with her boyfriend was at that point and 6.) try to insist he do this because 7.) her friend was that pathetic.
So, since the sample size would be so small to fit all that criteria, I’m going with a ‘no,’ Bob.
Believable, but I only believe it in “internet story” terms.
Meaning that, although it sounds like something from a sitcom involving beer or fraternities, it’s also quite a bit less weird than shit I’ve seen with my very own eyes.
So, it’s a bit too convenient, but it’s not objectionable.
I’ve known bitter ladies that have problems because they are bitter.
The GF though is interesting. A friend of hers can’t get a man and is distraught and her plan to help her friend fall in love with men is to slob-a-knob?
Is the Helmeted Warrior the answer for everything to the GF? Bad day at work…better swallow the salami! DVR cut the last 5 minutes of the favorite show? Dammit…better bust out the kneepads!
It’s believable in that if it were a real-life situation, it’d be wrought with emotional and relational baggage so precarious it’d make the ostensibly appealing proposition for the dude not worth it in the end.
Yeah. However I agree with Joey P that the gf had ulterior motives like trying to assuage guilt she felt for cheating with her bf, or wanting to push him to accept an open relationship. I don’t think she did it out of concern for her friend.
Well… OK. It’s too late to change my vote in the poll, unfortunately.
However, in scientific/statistical terms, 95% is a common confidence level for accepting the hypothesis (which, in this case, would be that the story is BS).
Knowing full well that there are people out there who want you to piss or shit on them, then yes, I find the premise in the OP perfectly plausible. Uncommon maybe, but plausible.