Is it standard for newcomers to be ignored?

I don’t know whether it is because my threads aren’t interesting, that people think I didn’t say anything interesting in my replies, but it seems like I’m being ignored here! What gives? I thought people would be more welcoming, but it seems like I’m being shunned no matter which forum I post in.

I thought I heard something…but I guess not. shrug
Anyway, has anyone heard the one about the Jew, the Canadian and the chicken?


Seriously, give it time. People gotta get used to you, and you gotta get used to them. You can’t just jump in with both feet into what is, essentially, an established community and expect to necessarily be welcomed instantly with open arms. Sometimes, as in life, it takes time to “fit” into a new group of people. Some people fit in sooner than others; some take longer. Just relax and have fun. In the end, that’s what we’re all here for.

Start a pimple thread. People love those.

Especially the mods.

Damn it QED, don’t talk to him, he’s new…
Seriously, welcome Stretch. Post in the Pit you are bound to get a response…one way or another.

Try including something about bondage in all your posts.

Eek! :eek: The pit?! It kind of intimidates me. I ventured in there a couple times when I was lurking and the mental image of angry angry people with laser beams coming from their eyes popped into my head. Now as for bondage… do I have to supply photos to accompany the discussion? :dubious:

Though you probably posted in the correct forum, given the question, the answers are turning this into an MPSIMS thread so fast it’s making my head swim.

Moved from ATMB to MPSIMS.

Oh, and welcome.

Actually some of the best discusions go on in the Pit. As for bondage, well all I can say is if you want to talk about it be up front about it, don’t try to sneek in references where they don’t apply.

No, just squicky allusions.

Seriously, I wouldn’t worry about it. I’ve been a member for 7 years, have more than 5,000 posts, and have singlehandedly killed more threads than you’ve probably read so far.

You’ll say something interesting, thought-provoking, funny or bizarre and someone will respond.

Perhaps you should pit (used as a verb) bondage.

There’s a loooooootta people here, $tretch. You’d think that would guarantee a response, huh? But it usually doesn’t. I’ve been here about a year and a half, and I still start flop threads from time to time, even if I try to set them to a funky beat so one can dance to it.

Then again, many of my threads are pointless fluffing filler. I’m comfortable with that. :wink:

Welcome, welcome. It takes some time, but post in other people’s threads, let people get a feel for you. Make yourself at home, try the caviar, mingle a little bit, have some fun participating in the party games, dance a little, people will warm up. :slight_smile:

$tretch, I didn’t think we could respond to newcomers until they brought in their chosen goat, manacles, and vegetable oil?
Did I miss a memo on new initiation (it’s NOT hazing) rules…? :smiley:

it’s a really really big place. It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and you have to try that much harder to be noticed or stand out. It’s also, I think, unlikely that newcomers are ignored any more than other non-prolific posters. I reply to threads becuase I have something to say about it, not because of who’s posting.
Don’t worry. I’m new too- you can be my friend :slight_smile:

Congratulations. You’ve learned lesson #1: 99.9% of the posts on this board get completely ignored.

Speaking as someone who is (relatively) new, get used to it. Few can aspire to the pedestal of Eve, Hal Briston, or Sampiro.

Don’t sweat it - no one replies to me either… :wink:

Welcome Aboard the Board $tretch
What is the inspiration for your user name?
What are your interests?
Have you heard about the Goats and Sheep yet?


If you start a thread with an interesting topic (as others have said) there will be posts.

This is not recognition, per se. Some would like to be referenced in a quote, or just a reply. This does not come easy for a new poster.

I’ve been here for years, and I still feel like most people have me on their ignore list for some reason. A good deal of the posters here that post alot, have known each other for years and years. They are more likely to post a quick word to a friend’s lame post , than they are to a stranger’s.

There are things that you know, that others on this board might not. It’s up to you to recognize when someone asks a question about “Indonesian shower mat preferences” to give a concise assesment of the situation regarding shower mats in Indonesia, since you live in an Indonesian bath house.

You can answer “What is the square root of nine?” as three, in the first reply to the question. There may still be 35 other people that know the answer, would like to go on record as having known it, and do not care if the question was answered in the second post or not.

You are not being ignored, you are just not being recognized. Your points are being considered, your jokes have been laughed at. You just don’t have confitmation yet, it’ll happen eventually.

This thread would have been so perfect if no one had replied.

But, since others have, hiya, $tretch. Welcome to here and all that. :slight_smile:

The most reliable way of getting lots of responses is to say something batshit insane. Conversely the most reliable way to be ignored is to say anything that makes perfect sense.

You have to learn to look at dead silence as a compliment or you’ll find yourself posting about bondage and bodily excretions and taunting the more volatile members just to get feedback. The painful truth is the people who everyone remembers are the loonies and the ones who get all the attention generally need to be smacked upside the head. There’s probably a life lesson there, but I don’t really want to learn it.