Is It Time To Have Another Portland Dopefest?

Have we decided on a date yet?

As a long time lurker, extremely infrequent poster, and someone soon to be making the cross country move from Florida to Portland over Valentines weekend…

This would be an incredibly stupendous way to start my life in Portland. :smiley:

Not that I have any real clue where any of these places you’re talking about are mind you, but I’m pretty good with a phonebook and a map. :wink:
(makes a note to follow this thread closely…)

Would Saturday the 15th of February be o.k., or would the next Saturday, February 22nd, be better for everyone?

I am 90% sure the 15th will work for me. But then, I’m not a portlander, so my preferences should be far down on the list.

I coulda sworn I posted this already, but AudreyK and I can make it.

Also, what’s a scotch egg. (Yeah, I could google it, but that won’t get me the “ew, that’s disgusting” contingent of the dopers, now will it? :wink: )

Scotch egg: A hard-cooked egg that is coated with sausage, dipped into beaten egg, rolled in bread crumbs and deep-fried.

Also known as a Cholesterol Grenade

…but, oh, so tasty, particularly w/beer.

When the state balances its budget?


But I don’t want to wait until hell freezes over to have a Dopefest!! :frowning: (Where’s a crying smiley when you need one?)

I can’t make it on the 22nd, but the 15th is possible, especially if it’s a bit later in the afternoon–like after 3:00.

The 15th it is , then.
Is 3pm a good start time for everyone?

That’s perfectly fine by me - is it St Johns, then, for sure?

And Enki - You definitely need to show up - both my husband and I are ex-floridians. Come to think of it, pretty much my entire social circle consists of ex-Floridian Portlanders. I’ve been here 2.5 years now; best move I ever made.
Also it should be noted that a Scotch Egg is coated with banger sausage, not just any old run of the mill stuff…

15th. 1500 PST. ?St. John’s Pub?

Cool. By then, it’ll be a PERFECT time to take a break from painting my dining room! ('course, I may show up with paint in my hair, but…)

I’m almost sure I can’t make that considering I work every Sat from 12pm to 9pm. :frowning:

I’ll catch the next one round though.

When we quaff a brew, we’ll think of you.

Time: 3 pm till they get tired of us.
Place: St. Johns Pub.
Date: Saturday, February 15th.

If you’re unsure as to which dopes are the Straight Dopes, look for the mug holding the mug(the Straight Dope Staff mug, that is ;))

Never been to a DopeFest.

Any requirements? Wear clean underwear? Secret nod followed by a secret handshake? Security ID? Whut?

The date lets me out…I already have about eight things to do that weekend and am trying to decide who will be least offended if I don’t come… but please quaff one for me, too.

I’ll try to make the next one. Blast…and I was looking forward to the train ride, too. Oh well. Next time.

Have fun, you all!

Right now I can give you a definite maybe on that. Certainly want to make up for having missed the last one, but all may come down to the state of the weather and HTB-wife’s state of mind vis-a-vis various household chores.

If I can at all swing it, I’ll be there, *Sc*tch ggs in tow.

Not remembering it’s Valentine’s weekend when I posted earlier, I’ve just been reminded that we’ll be at the coast all weekend doing romantic kinda stuff. Make me anohter one requesting a quaff in my honor…

Would the next Saturday be better for everybody, then? It’s not like we have a non-refundable deposit on the pub. :slight_smile:

I can’t make it on the 22nd, but I hate to suggest we push it all the way back to March 1 (but I will). Unless Sunday the 23 would work–but there was areason we looked at Saturday, not Sunday, soooooo.

I have no real life to speak of, so yes, the 22nd works as well. So does the following Saturday. And the one after that.

Oh - I do have that Las Vegas trip in April, but we’ll get this thing nailed down before then :slight_smile: