Is marzipan candy a Euro only thing?

My mom was from Germany and she used to like this candy that was basically a small basket of “fruits” made of marzipan, the only place I’ve ever seen it is Euro import stores.

Is there any candy made in the USA out of marzipan?

I’ve seen it in fancy candy shops, and marzipan is available plain in many supermarkets, but marzipan candy doesn’t seem to be very popular in the US.

I personally find marzipan dreadful and foul and am glad nobody ever gives me any.

Pretty much. I only had it as a kid due to the influence of a German-American grandmother. You can find it in fancier stores, as well as a tiny convenience store in San Francisco for some reason. Nicer grocery stores like Raley’s/Nob Hill might have it. I can’t think of any US equivalents, but then anything with almond (paste) might apply.

It is wonderful.

My wife loves it, so I’ve ended up acquiring a tolerance for it. I won’t eat it on my own, though.

But my 3-year-old went to a birthday party when she wasn’t yet two, at which the cake was topped with marzipan pigs, and she thought they were the awesomest; so for her birthday I made a cake topped with ducks and duckweed.

Turns out the kid likes marzipan, too.

You may be able to find it in Hispanic stores too, specially around Christmas; if they can’t figure out what you’re asking for by the English name, in Spanish it’s spelled mazapán.

If there’s a supermarket in your area which carries nougat/turrón for Christmas, there should be mazapán with it.

I can buy them at my local newsagent - Aussie though

The Dutch have a november-december tradition of marzipan candy, related to the holiday of Sinterklaas (Our version of Santa). The idea is to make all sorts of items from marzipan paste, and color them to resemble the real thing. From marzipan herring to marzipan calculators to marzipan coins, fruit, sausage, drivers licences. Or Angry Birds figurines. Such candy is then given to friends and famly with teasing poems about getting a drivers licence or not liking fruit or whatever. The recipient is supposed to look at it, pretend he doesn’t know it is marzipan, bite in it and act surprised.

Yeah, it is a silly feast. :slight_smile:

Ftr, I looooove marzipan and am kind of a snob about it. Like liquorice, there are lots of different qualities and varieties.

Marzipan bars can be found for about a dollar at any Aldi! Especially around Christmas time.

Plain, and I think maybe a couple with different flavors, but basically almond paste. I love these bars. They sell the little box of marzipan fruits, too, but the bars are better.

Marzipan might be found in the ‘foreign food’ aisle at any good sized American grocery, they seem to be a German delicacy.

Real marzipan is made of ground up almonds, sugar, and rose water. It’s a Moorish delicacy.

Cheap marzipan is made of ground up white beans with almond flavouring.

Yep. I see it in the grocery store but don’t know anyone who has ever used it, 'cause it tastes like medicine gone bad.

If English has the same distinction as Swedish the almond to sugar ratio is ca 25:75 in marzipan and 50:50 in almond paste.

But then it isn’t marzipan at all in my opinion.

Anyway I can’t imagine how one cannot like marzipan. :wink:

My mom used to get marzipan acorns as a gift from her dad. He bought them someplace he walked past in his commute. The local bakery in my home town sold marzipan fruits by the pound. All in New York, but also all over 30 years ago.

I don’t dislike marzipan but there are other things I like more so I haven’t sought out a local source. I mean for shaped candies. I see the bars in the grocery store near the almond paste and candied fruit.

At the LA Farmers Market on Fairfax, there is a great bakery that makes something called a Princess Cake - bright green dome shape, and the bright green is made with an entire thin sheet of marzipan to cover the entire dome. Wonderful stuff!

Having lived in Germany, marzipan is everywhere and in all sorts of cakes, cookies and candies. One contradiction I found is that Germans always complained American desserts are “too sweet”, but they will wolf down marzipan that makes sugar seem sour in comparison to the sweetness of pure marzipan.

I had no idea that they are known outside Sweden. Anyway, a true princess cake should be decorated with a pink marzipan rose in my opinion.

The best marzipan I ever had was in Toledo, Spain. Also the worst.

Fun Swiss tradition alert!

In December 1602 Frenchmen from Savoy tried to invade Geneva (now part of Switzerland, back then an independent republic). They were repelled from climbing the city walls. The alert was given by La Mère Royaume (Mother Royaume) who poured a cauldron (in French: marmite) of hot vegetable soup on the attackers.

In Geneva, on the feast of the Escalade (escalade = climbing, what the attackers were doing to attack the city: climbing the city walls) you buy a chocolate marmite filled with marzipan vegetables. Someone breaks it by slamming on it with his fist, the vegetables go flying, and the kids pick up the pieces of chocolate and vegetables to eat them.

Wikipedia article on l’Escalade

Photo of chocolate marmites The wikipedia article had a photo of a candy store window and I’m 99% sure I’ve bought a chocolate marmite from that very store once!

When I was in third grade in Geneva, I had just moved and was the new kid in class so the teacher let me break the marmite when we had our class party. Good times.

Marzipan is one of those things that, if it’s well made, it’s delicious, but if not, it’s disgusting. So you have to be careful when you buy it.

My mother is Mexican and once in Mexico City D.F we went into a candy store to buy marzipan and she was telling how it was popular in Spain and Mexico and how yummy it was.

I hated it but my grandparents loved it.:stuck_out_tongue:

Marzipan is something of a acquired taste. The adorable little shaped vegetables and all are what drew me in. One Christmas, I made a box of hand-molded marizipan roses for a friend.

Some children’s book I read long ago said the British word for marzipan was marchpane. I have no idea why that has stuck with me all these years

TJ Maxx usually has boxes of the fruit-shaped marzipans at Christmas. They aren’t particularly tasty though… usually pretty stale by the time they make it there.