Is this funny?

Passed a porn shop on my way home tonight with a Roto Rooter truck parked out front and started giggling uncontrollably.

Is this funny or am I just way too punchy?

I don’t think I would have made the connection. But then, I was shocked when we were cleaning our condo after evicting the tenants and we found a double-ended dildo.

twickster: Yes. It’s funny. You have permission to laugh at the connection.
ivylass: Was it a 18" DHIBJD? (sorry, you’re gonna hafta search for the thread if you wanna know)

twicks, you’re a warped, twisted woman. I’ve always admired that about you! :smiley:

Hm. twicks is talking about a porn store and ivylass is talking about a dildo. I smell conspiracy.
is THAT what that smell is?

I hope that’s all you smell.

Did you track something home from work on your shoes again?

Yes. That’s funny. :^)

God no! I smell many things…like…flowers, peanut butter, freshly bathed puppies, pizza, and popcorn amongst other things!
Unless you’re saying I smell. Then that’s wholly possible.

Yes, I think we can hereby declare that Some Funny Shit.

Reminds me of the time (20 years ago) that I passed by a guy leaning against a street sign. The sign read “DIP”.

I eventually had to pull over, I was giggling so hard.

Is it funny? Well, I laughed.

I laughed, I cringed. Both seem valid to me.

What’s funny about it? Obviously, somebody needed his pipes cleaned.


“You can guess what happens next.”
“He fixes the plumbing?”
“Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.”

Now… if the Roto-Rooter truck was in the parking lot of a PROCTOLOGIST
/larry the cable guy/
“I don’t care who ya are, that’s funny right there!”
/larry the cable guy/

I’ll second that! :cool:

It’s funny.

I like to think it dovetails nicely with my experience in an NYC government building, where the men’s room had a sign on the door that said “Fire Hose Inside”.

The sign on the toilet door at McDonalds says ‘Please Pull.’

That gets me giggling every time.