Is this the same as Speak Like A Pirate Day? Do I need to speak like a whore (I have no idea how one does that).
Dammit, I thought it meant discounts.
It’s that day already? I didn’t know the ex’s birthday was upon us already! How come WE don’t get cool holidays like this in the States?
“Me so horny! Me love you long time!”
“Payment up front. No kissing.”
So…you should give one a big tip?
Are there coupins? I love me some coupins.
Try talking with your mouth full.
OK then.
“Hey GI, you got girlfriend?”
Easy, just hum.
I hope they all had a chance to put their feet up.
Bragging won’t get you anywhere, especially when in a few moments your actual shortcoming would be revealed.
Happy (belated) Whores Day!
Why am I thinking Kroger’s “Manager’s Special” the day before expiration?
So did you get lucky? I heard they were offering a buy one get one free special!
“No glove, no love.”
(From Highlander 2; I couldn’t find a youtube link)
I hope everybody sent a nice card to their local politicians.
If you’re a leper, it’s especially easy to leave a whore the tip.
Big Sale! Women’s clothing half off!
(Tip of the hat to the well known Michael Jackson / Walmart joke)