Items entered in phone calendar not appearing in online calendar?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Reverb which I like a lot. When I put my events in the phone’s calendar, it doesn’t show up on the laptop’s calendar, and vice versa. Both are ostensibly Google. It looks like they’re syncing, but apparently not, and I don’t understand the help options I’ve found online. Can someone help me with what I’m sure is the duh?

When you create an event, is the selected calendar “my calendar” or your Gmail ID?

I think “my calendar” is the phone speaking in first person. As in, “I’m saving it to my calendar, Google be damned.” So it’s storing locally, but not telling Google what it’s doing.

I don’t know how to break this wall, I just de-selected My Calendar and now the default creator is my Gmail account.

I unclicked My Calendar and the Google one came back, so I think that was it. Now I jjst have to transfer the My stuff into the Google stuff and I think I’m okay. Thank you!