It's a Moving and Grooving MMP!

Best wishes to your friend. I have no appropriate words. :frowning:

Pretty much the same thing from here and maybe a few hugs for what their worth at this distance.

All I can offer is my condolences :frowning: Poor family.

My brother “cheated” in his coursework. He needed to do two projects, one for each course: what he did was give his students an assignment to design one of those minihouses, using a standard shipping container as the starting “box”, and he did one himself. This is a guy whose childhood left behind whole notebooks filled with designs for submarines: he’s always been fascinated by the problem of how to fit maximum utility into tiny, constrained spaces, preferably without giving everybody there a bad back and a horrible case of claustrophobia.

He wrote up the work in different ways for the Education and Engineering projects, but hey, two birds with a single… container :slight_smile:

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Looks like storms today. Oh joy.

I could probably live in one of those, but I’d need a second one to display all my hockey stuff.

Like I said, we have awful soil. We’ve been here almost 12 years with ZERO addition to the ivy that was here when we moved in. I may just fill the hill with vinca.

Good morning. Going to bed later kinda worked - I made it till about 3:45 when I woke with a coughing fit. After a little water, I fell back to sleep, but I was deep in REM when the alarm went off - tough getting started.

We had rain overnight - yay! We’re promised more tonight, but at the moment it’s just muggy as all heck out there! Thank goodness for air conditioned cars!

And so onward into the day. Happy Tuesday!


What Rosie said…

:dubious: Oh those wacky Swedes.

Today is an important day. It is



Blurf! Yes, it’s afternoon but I still has a blurf from this morning. Going to be one of those days…

Blurf. Weather is changing, therefore I have a headache. Did I say blurf? Eating at the local Chipotle’s tonight since 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the anipal shelter where I got my kitteh.

Howdy Y’all! Miss me yesterday? Shut up flytrap. :stuck_out_tongue: I am in Ye Olde Home Towne. I was supposed to be in the second day of a conference but for real said conference is a waste of time for me who is retirin’ and thus the content does not apply to me, plus, I just don’t care. :smiley: So I am at the liberry messin’ around a bit. Weather calls for tstorms this afternoon so I and goin’ to go do a few things and get back to mom’s (and sis’s) place by around twoish. After that it can storm the rest of the day for all I care. I shall return to da cave tomorrow and may even go into irk. Or not.

Oh, my [del]minion[/del] assistant is takin’ over from me. YAY!!! TPTB got sump’n right when that was decided. Seriously she will need very little trainin’ and will be fantastic in the job.

I read all but retained little so yays, boos, hugs, noogies, smooches, trouts, chitlins, wedgies and how you doin’s all around as needed.

Be back tomorrow!

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Oh and to contribute to the OP, I think my next move will be to the home.

ETA: First On Two

Who left the door open?? Do we really need random bears wandering in here??? :stuck_out_tongue:

When I went to get my sammich out of the fridge, I looked out the front door - it was raining something fierce! Which figures, since I left my car windows open. But just the back windows, so no biggie. :smiley:

I did some figgerin’ - if I don’t take any time off between now and October, I’ll have enough leave to cover our cruise. So that’s the plan. Here’s hoping I don’t get sick. Worst case, I’ll have to work some Saturdays or late days to accumulate the hours I need.

Damn. If it wasn’t for work I would be so at that!

Wow, I need to do a better job of keeping up in here! When are you retiring, Swampy? I completely missed this little tidbit of news.

I am prepping for yet another R&A (Review and Analysis) and running some last minute numbers for the two service lines who are briefing in just another 30 minutes or so. I sent them all their info well over two weeks ago, but as usual they wait until the last minute to ask for additional analyses on various anomalies or trends. :rolleyes:

Well, I suppose I should start making my way to the big conference room. It’s a hassle with the stupid knee cart.

BLURF Trying to irk. Can’t make the printer print so I may have to go to the Mother base and use someone else’s computer that has SAP loaded on it. Seems I am one of the only ones who uses it. I don’t understand how some of these managers run programs and not have access to the main accounting program. Blows my mind.

Happy Toosday!

It’s a warm 84 degrees outside, the sun is playing peek-a-boo with the clouds.

Sah-son woke me up early to ask me to take him to the doctor for his ear. I had just finished my shower and got dress when he said never mind, his ear has been popping, opening up, and doesn’t hurt as much.
I think he should still go, but I can’t drag him out the door.

I hope he feels better soon, the back postage stamp needs mowing.

Sunny - I wasn’t even know what to say to my friend. I was hoping she’d call me first to tell me because I’m wasn’t sure how she was going to feel about her daughter posting it on FB. I sent her a text this morning. She seems to be okay, but she wants me to help her find a lawyer so she can sue the police department. I think she is wasting her time and money, but it’s her time and money to waste. She wants me to read the comments to the news article, and I told her no, I won’t do that and she shouldn’t either.

ruble, the phone camera thing is pretty standard for any warehouse/ distribution center that handles electronics, including ours. But I still want pics! :stuck_out_tongue:

doggio, I could live in a tiny house if I had ~6’X6’ for my studio. It would be multipurpose though.

All covered up with month end stuff. I signed the lease yesterday. Today is reviewing my auto/renters policy with the insurance agent. I found that I can get the same coverage for roughly half the price elsewhere. When I was getting quotes online, I got a text from my agent saying that he may have some discounts for me. :smiley:

Tomorrow is calling the electric company to see how much they want to turn on the lights and epay that. I might actually be home to cook supper one evening this week. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because SAP is evil. I don’t know what it’s like to use, but the user administration looks like something straight out of 1993, complete with gratuitous noises.

I am having just a teensy little freak out about the house/packing. Teensy, weeny little one. I’ll just sit here for a minute with the computer and see what happens. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

I do not sign my name with little hearts. :mad: