It's been a while, saying Hello

Wow, this place has changed yet feels the same. I think it’s been three or four years since I’ve last visited. Let me bring everyone up to speed on what’s happened with me

I lost my mother to Cancer
I got married
I lost my father to Cancer
I became estranged from all of my family on my mother’s side
My wife had a severe injury preventing her from ever working in her field again
I lost my Uncle (Father’s brother) to COVID
I earned my Associates Degree (At 46 years old)
I continued on to my Bachelor’s Degree.

As I have time I will be returning here.

If I might ask-What name did you post under before?

just a tip did you have a different name/password on the old board ? if so id have the mods merge this one with the old one sos you don’t get banned for being a sock,

No I was under MannyLNJ or possibly just MannyL come to think about it

There’s a @MannyL screenname, last seen here in February of 2020 (before the board changed over to Discourse). Is this you?

Yes that was me. I can’t believe it was 21 years ago. That was before the winter of our missedcontent

That’s a pretty life-altering list! My sympathies on your losses and congratulations on your academic achievements.

I was gonna suggest he start writing Country Music. He’d have a Grammy in about a week.

Thank you for your sympathies and congratulations. It’s been a few years overall. The passing of my mother was about a month before my wedding, I’ve been married for 6 years as of 11/1/2021 Her passing started the rift in the family.

My wife kept encouraging me to earn a degree and thanks to I am able to do that at no cost. I wish I knew about it sooner I might have had my Associates while my parents were alive.

Hi, @MannyLNJ
Nice to make new friends.

Most folks here think I’m bad, bad, bad. But I’m really kinda nice😌

Send me a PM / email if you want access to your original account.

Sounds like a lot of ups and downs.

Welcome back.

This is the first time MannyLNJ has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

Hello! Also, welcome to our community!

I remember you. It’s good to see you. Congratulations on getting your degree.

I too offer my sympathies for all of the losses you’ve suffered. That’s a good deal to cope with and I doubt I could do that and earn a degree at the same time.