It's not just Janet!

From the English version of the Korea Times:


Wow. I would never have imagined someone pulling that stunt here in Korea. I would imagine, though, that the government would deal with someone harshly for it. That is, if I had imagined that someone would pull the stunt in the first place.

The unthinkable!! :eek:


  1. was this a wardrobe malfunction, to?

  2. If the discipline includes a bare-ass caning, will it be available through Pay-Per-View?

  1. Nope. It appears that it was a wardrobe functioning as intended.

  2. I’m fairly certain that it’s illegal to use corporal punishment in the local justice system. (We’ll leave aside for now the allegations of torture by the local police.)

I have to say I agree they should be disciplined. Anybody in their right mind should have felt fortune smiled upon them to be able to see Janet Jackson’s tit for free. But nonbody wants to see some second-rate punk’s dick being flung around while trying to digest their dinner.

Those are like wussies except they ride in big powerful German tanks, right?

That must be why two of them did it! That way only one would be second-rate, the other’d be third rate.

Funny thing about it is that it brings to mind that episode of the Drew Carey Show.

Here’s today’s editorial from the Korea Times: Public Insult on Air.

As it turns out, there were quite a few teenage girls in the studio audience (same link):

Those Couch clowns weren’t pulling any punches on their offensive behavior, it appears.

Huh? I have no wish to see JJ’s tit, for free or otherwise. I ESPECIALLY don’t want to see that scary piercing thing she’s got going on. However, I must admit that sometimes I like to look at human penises.

Wow. Korean TV must be really dull. :eek:


:eek: **Lynn Bodoni’s ** saying this?
Lynn Bodoni?
Wow. I actually have no idea what to say. Not that it’s a bad thing in any way, I’m just shocked she’s saying it!