It's raining, and it's cold

And I’m happy.

I’m wearing fleece, sitting on my couch with a blanket on my lap. I have two candles lit that smell of autumn and I can hear the wet leaves rustling outside on the trees.

I’m going to make another cup of coffee and sit here and read.

For some reason, I would take this day over a beautiful sunny June day today. It has me in the mood for October and Halloween and the colors of Autumn and Thanksgiving.

Feels good.

Totally on board with this, sitting under a blanket eating chicken curry soup.

I presume you guys are not currently in Houston.

Nwlingland, here, and I assume dose two guys as well.

It is nice, after the long dry spring and summer so far. Very pleasant.

Hot and sunny today in Dallas. The locals are glad to let the moss between their toes finally dry out. They’re not used to all their recent sky water.

SW British Columbia and we’re already at 85F, 10 in the morning. Thank god for A/C. But the garden is sure loving it!

179 days until Friday, December 25, 2015 :smiley:

Which means only 172 until Star Wars!

It’s been raining for two days here in Southern Ontario. I suspect parts of the city are going to start floating down the river soon.

I hate thinking about Fall. It’s like a black cloud that hangs over my head all Summer long. Once Fall is here then it’s only a short time before the snow starts. Then 6 long months of miserable cold weather.

I can’t even enjoy Summer because all I can think about is what comes next.

I need to get out of here. :frowning: I don’t think I can take one more Winter here.

In Boston. Fuck this. I hate the cold and I miss my Californian heat.

yep. in Michigan, and loving it. well, the day-long rain might suck, but at least we have tons of water unlike California.

Rainy and cold was great in Detroit area yesterday. If it had been a normal warm sunny Saturday-before-the-4th, there would have been thousands of neighborhood fireworks all night.

An occasional wind gust was a much quieter night.

PA here ------ and feeling much as the OP is. But I could do with a little less rain.

We’re just in the middle of a projected 5 straight days of temperatures ranging from 105 to 113. And outside of that it’s been something like 15 straight days of 90+ temperatures.

This evening in Seattle it was 81F and dry at 5pm under high clouds. Seems unusually warm to me.

Upstate NY. Feels like it’s been raining for a month. Sick of it.

Another Ninglander, weighing in, I wouldn’t mind the cold if it wasn’t accompanied by rain. That damn sky water makes the grass grow.

It’s 7:22 AM, the sky is clear, the sun is out. There’s a slight breeze, 1 mph. Temperature is 68 on its way to 81. Humidity is already 85%.

Being 4 miles from the coast in Southern California, I’m only 5 to 10 minutes drive from a summer scene of bikini clad beachgoers. I like that a lot.

Hot and wet here in SW FLA. I wish it was like the OP. Being late June means only another 6 months of summer.