I've Fallen! And I need to MMP!

Dinner is “frozen out of a box” because I just cannot face more cleanup.

Now I’m dodging mosquitos. One already got me right on the Achilles tendon, the little bastard(ess).

Good evening, folks.

Well, nothing much was happening, today. I did get the heartworm preventative for both dogs (Shayna & Poe), and the CrazyPills for Shayna, picked up. They’ve been dosed. At least that much got done. I still need to do up the laundry. Eventually. Maybe tomorrow. I’m in no hurry.

Earlier today, I made the copycat version of Olive Garden’s Creamy Italian Chicken & Pasta, for dinner. It’s actually really tasty. I don’t know how much it tastes like what Olive Garden has, because I’ve never had it. It was good, though. My picky daughter liked it a lot, and my friend enjoyed what I gave him. I also liked it. There are now two containers of it in the freezer, for my husband’s OTR truck driving meals.

I brought in my hovelplants, that I put out on the front porch, which is where they spend their summer. It’s getting to be that time of year, and I figured I’d better drag 'em inside. So, I did. Then, yesterday, my daughter came into the living room, and just about flipped. There was a massive web on the large pot that my Mothers-In-Law Tongues are in. There was also a massive grass spider in the web. So, I hooked up the vacuum cleaner, and tried to suck it up. I got the web. Not so sure about the spider. It didn’t build a new web overnight, so, I’m taking that as a win. I’ll bet I didn’t actually suck it up into the vacuum. I’ll bet it retreated deeper within the plants, and it’s alive and well, in there. Mark my words. It’s probably looking right at me, right now, as I type this. I hope not, though. Dear Gawd. I will approach the plant stands, and my desk (Which is right next to the plant stands. Damnit.), with care, for awhile. The last thing I need, first thing in the morning, is to be mindlessly, blithely, toddling into the living room, with a cup of coffee, and run into a bigarse grass spider, and her web. I don’t know if I’ll be able to scream that soon after getting out of bed, but I’ll bet you I’ll be able to piss myself just fine.
This is why I drink.

Have a good evening, everyone.

Yeah, have I missed out on deposit refunds?

@missred My grandmother loved pimento cheese and next week would have been her 100th birthday, so her surviving relatives are making her favorites for a social distanced celebration. I think I have her recipe. If I can’t find it, does this recipe look okay?

I don’t think my grandmother would have liked that version. She loved pimentos, but I doubt she ever put jalepeno or cayenne pepper in it. Actually this is probably closer to hers, definitely with mayo, not yogurt.

Reminder to self: Find grandma’s recipes that you brought home last year in October.

(And I almost spelled missred’s user name incorrectly. Guess I misread it. :slight_smile: )

It appears part of the secret of an uninterrupted night of sleep is to lock the cats out of the bedroom. :smiley: I feel human this morning, so huzzah! I’ve printed off the tickets for the museum, fed the critters, including spousal critter, and now I’ve got a little time before I go fetch the toddler. No students today, so daughter was going in a little bit later.

My duvet cover came last night - FINALLY!! I put it on the comforter just to see how it looks, but I need to take it off, launder it, then pass an iron over it to get rid of the worst of the wrinkles. It’s definitely better than the random gray print of the comforter.

Dice - here’s swampy’s recipe. He’s pretty southern, so it might work. :wink:

And so the day begins. Happy Firday!!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 73 Amurrkin out and rainy with a predicted high of 84 and maybe or not rain all day. TWPTB are bein’ willy-nilly. The rain could go away in a little while. Mowage over to the church house is iffy at this point. That was to have been the big plan of the day. Majik Intartoobz Pizza and sallit (to make it healthy) are on the sup menu.

Dice my pimento cheese recipe is a pretty standard one that would probably come close to your grandmother’s recipe. Check out the idea at the bottom of the recipe about the roasted red peppers. It’s really nummy!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Firday Y’all!

Y’all are ambitious. It’s still dark, just barely hinting at dawn, and I’m on Eastern time.

In fact, imma crawl back into bed here in a bit. And since early morning seem to be Monkey’s zoomie playtime, I too shall be locking out the cats.
Well, Nikki can stay with me, if she wants. It’s hard to dislike sharing a bed with a purring, fluffy potato.

Morning all. The rains seem to have gone, albeit it is still cloudy and damp outside. Supposed to reach 75F today, we’ll see if soccer today and tomorrow is a go or cancelled.

Need to visit bank, gas up car, and do a little shopping. Tried to change a bulb in the overhead fan/light fixture in the master bedroom and found a little problem; it’s centered right over the bed about 10 feet high and since my bed has a ‘bench’ at the end of it (perfect for sitting and putting on shoes in the morning), I can’t reach from ladder to light. Have to move the entire bed, and for one light bulb I’m not sure it’s worth it.

FCM, enjoy the Museum.

shoe, enjoy the nappage and purrs.

Dice, enjoy the cheese-making

Nona, I have learned to live and let live with spiders outside the house…but inside…that’s one reason I don’t do indoor plants.

Red, glad Nelson is doing better.

OK, need to Instant Breakfast and make myself presentable. All y’all take care.

Thank you, I did exactly that. :slight_smile:

  1. On commuting days, Mrs. L.A. fends for herself. Yesterday she wanted the leftover tamale for dinner. She doesn’t like to reheat things in the microwave oven. She says it changes the texture or flavour or something. So she tends to reheat things in the toaster oven, the oven, or in the case of things like soups or tamales, on the stove.

  2. The front-left element of the stove ‘runs away’. Something will be simmering, and then the element decides to get as hot as it can. Nothing may be left unattended when it is on the front-left burner. I mean, there have been times when it seemed OK for a while. I’d slip off to urinate, and food would be burning when I came back. It’s evil.

  3. Mrs. L.A. put her tamale in a pot to steam, then went to the living room to do things. She smelled a smell she shouldn’t have smelled. Yep, the burner had run away. The water had boiled away. The bottom of the pot was discoloured.

And that’s how my 2 ½ quart Calphalon Tri-Ply pan got a coil-shaped warp on the bottom. :frowning:

There’s eighty bucks I don’t need to spend. :frowning: :frowning:

Today I’ve got a doozy and I’m crazy embarrassed about it. You know that wound-tight feeling you get when you’re stressed? Apparently the stress of worrying about my dad, taking care of my mom, being everyone’s emotional support, doing all the things in the house and making sure my son gets shit done on top of making life and death decisions for other people with limited data caught up to me.

When we arrived at the house from checking on my mom, I asked the kids to please get out of the car and go inside. I could feel myself coiling tighter and tighter and, of course, the kids started arguing with me about leaving me alone. Finally, I said flat out I was worried I was about to scream and didn’t want to take my stress out on them. At last they got out of the car. And scream I did - a long, loud, satisfying horror-movie scream that the heroine makes when she realizes that the guy with an axe is standing behind her. I don’t think I’ve done that for years and years and years. It was self-indulgent and really stupid and quite frankly didn’t help, but still. I figured it was worth the try. I didn’t realize that the kids had decided to see what was up because I usually keep it sealed away in a bottle in my head. But they heard me all the way from the driveway to the door.

Well, they freaked out, started crying. I felt guilty and went inside and started crying. My husband was really, really worried. I spent most of the evening trying to calm everyone the heck down and explaining to my husband exactly how I needed his help because he hasn’t been helping at all lately. I also reassured my son in particular (who was particularly worried it was him) that it wasn’t his fault, that it was just EVERYTHING and I needed to manage my stress in a more productive way.

One of the things I said I needed was space - I’m exhausted from talking to everyone, telling them what to do. The kids, my husband, sometimes my mom, my step-mother. No body will stop orbiting me, even when I’m working, and I talk all day for a living, telling employees what to do. Well - I physically can’t tell anyone what to do today. The combination of unusually loud screaming plus the crying has resulted in acute laryngitis. wordy has completely lost her voice.

Of course, everyone is concerned so they keep asking if I’m okay. But I guess this’ll give me some time to think and figure out exactly what it is I need; however, the ridiculous irony of this situation is not lost on me.

I’ve done that - the banshee scream when there’s simply no better way to vent & the pressure’s built up too much.

You got your point across!

Everyone needs “me” time. Perhaps if you designate a time & spot of your very own (for ex. when Wordy is outside on the back steps, right after work, sipping a { designated beverage } then it’s Do Not Bother Time) that might help?

Adulting my way through a stack of unopened mail. (What’s the point of looking at a bill until I can pay it, amirite?)

New debit card arrived. It’s … like the Cracker Jack prize, so cheap seeming! Not even made of plastic, and no raised numbers on the face. They’re simply printed on the back, the whole thing feels like a cheap piece of cardboard, for heaven’s sake, and what are those kids doing on my lawn anyway?

I sent the damn whippersnappers over from my yard.

Back from sorting. We got free lunch, since we managed not to kill ourselves. It’s raining, and “Princess Pretty Paws” has made the executive decision to not go outside.

Flyboy, :open_mouth:

Wordy, you definitely need some time to not think for people.

Up and showered. Cats are all fed and watered (inside and outside), plants are tended and I am just waiting to go to work. Cataloging the pantry so I know what needs to go on next week’s grocery list. Smile, people! It’s Friday!

Dice - Whichever recipe you decide to go with, shred your own cheese by hand!! By all that is holy don’t use pre-shredded cheese. They put a coating on it so it won’t clump in the bag and it ruins pimento cheese. Dig out the box grater and build up your triceps. I have also found that just a light splash of pickle brine can really brighten up the flavors.

Johnny - Sorry about the Calphalon. But I understand the missus’ views on nuking things. Some things just need to be heated the old fashioned way.

Okay, okay, okay. The stupid mixing bowl is finally clean. Ya happy now?

I also cleaned the litter box … so hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to The Gettin’ Store I go, for more kitty litter. I’d get the big bucket, since we go through it so fast these days ( glares at Monkey ) but the big bucket is so freaking heavy.
So it’s the little handle tubs for me, which last about two days, nowadays.

Yesterday’s laundry wasn’t really quite dry, and I wasn’t in any mood to deal with it anyway, so … the rack full of faintly damp things was convenient to move right back outside!

Warming up out there today. Supposed to be even warmer tomorrow, when I’ll needs be presentable for work, and may wanna wear shorts.
Gotta shave. Woe is me.

Monkey brought a praying mantis into the house yesterday. He’s turning into quite the hunter, and is quickly moving up from falling leaves. I love mantids and would have saved the poor bugger if only I’d seen it in time.

Okay, let’s go try out this cardboard sham of a new debit card. The kitties split a can of Friskies earlier for breakfast and Monkey is already eyeing the litter box.

Try a subscription from CHEWY for kitty litter. Lugging the heavy boxes in from the front step is a big ow, but it beats all Hell outta running to the store and hauling it all home.

And I told the world upthread about the magical properties of LANACANE for mosquito bites. Go buy some. Now.

You WILL not be sorry.


Howdy Y’all! I made the executive decision to not go mow grass. The sun is out now but it rained most of the mornin’, so I have declared that it would be too wet to mow. Others may think differently and show up, but not me. I sent word via text I shall be present tomorrow to assist with whatever else is needed. IOW, I invoked the retiree cry of “I don’t want to. I don’t have to. You can’t make me.”

{{{Wordy}}} take time for yourself because you deserve to do so.

Hey, the cardboard debit card worked! It even (after repeated tries) did the “tap” thing, so no inserting it.

Kitty litter obtained, plus quesadilla fixin’s and a bit of fish I’m baking for lunch. It came in its own foil thingy - super wasteful, I know, but the thought of a zero cleanup meal was almost as exciting as the prospect of freshly baked fish.

Warming up out there! Laundry should be bone dry in no time.