I've HAD It With These Muthf*ckin' Zombis on This Muthaf*ckin' Plane!

Flight of the Living Dead. Sadly, Samuel L. Jackson isn’t in the cast, and it’s apparently a straight-to-video release so I imagine that the film quality isn’t high, but I bet that it’s probably good fun. Anybody seen this?

“Coffee, tea, or BRAAAAAAAIN?”

It sounds an awful lot like Nightmare City - the benchmark of the Italian Zombie/Plane genre.

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for flying Romero Airlines in the event of a water landing your seat cushions will serve as a life preserver. In the event of a zombie attack please secure your brains in the overhead compartments. Please enjoy your flight.

Wasn’t bad - worth a rental if you’re into zombie flicks.

Wow, this was bad. Like, really bad.

Some of the Snakes on a Plane parallels were pretty funny, but the movie as a whole just didn’t work. It wasn’t even that good as a cheesy zombie movie.