I've Registered!

Long time lurker, first time poster (I know, I know, you’ve heard this before.)

I’m a Psychology Major at the University of Ottawa. I live with my boyfriend, dog and cat.

Um…wow, that came out a lot more boring than how I intended.

I just paid the registration fee, and figured I’d introduce myself. Thanks :slight_smile:


Welcome! Nice name.

Welcome aboard. Good luck posting something that doesn’t tick someone off, including your introduction. :smiley:

Welcome to the Dope.

That didn’t seem that boring. And I’m not even ticked off. So you’re doing good. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you enjoy your stay.

Welcome. We’re glad to have you with us!
Other Dopers Only (not you Clockwork- you just keep doin’ what you doin’ and lookin’ pretty doin’ it… this is just some housekeeping with other Dopers only. :wink:
(She’s clearly a troll- I have a directory of every college and university in the United States of America and there’s no such place as a “University of Ottawa”, plus what boyfriend would live with someone who has a cat? I’m thinking either pornbot or Nigerian banking scam- tell Cecil in either case and don’t let her out of your sight- I’ll take the first watch.)*

(just tryin’ to break ya in)

Amazing how these mistaken university references can trip people up. Way back in Texas, I knew a German who slipped up by telling us he’d been accepted to Washington University in Saint Louis. Thus we knew right away he was an East German spy, since he obviously thought Saint Louis was in Washington. :wink:

Thanks! I must admit, I stole the idea from someone in the MizGrand/Rss pit thread that went on a couple months ago. Some were talking about the “jackals of the dope” and someone mentioned the phrase “Clockwork Jackal” (I forget in what context.) And that was it! I had my username! :slight_smile:

I dig it, welcome aboard!

So…nobody’s approached you with any…squid yet…
I mean…do you like squid? Cause, well…do you find burlap itchy?

I ask these questions…you know…as a concerned…citi-…


Hi! Welcome!

Wait – damn. Aren’t goats afraid of jackals? This could be a problem.

looks at Mindfield, with the newbie in the sack

Um. Well. What if we get that BIG goat we save for special emergencies?

Should we invest in a double-squidding?

Welcome Clockwork Jackal.

Did you bring chocolate? Pie? Chocolate pie?

And be sure to say hi to OpalCat.

You can’t possibly mean-- gasp of horror :eek:

(Welcome to the board, Clockwork Jackal!)

Welcome aboard! My advice: steer clear of any threads involving felching, Duran Duran, the Marianas Trench and band names. They can only end in tears.

Do you think that’s wise? I don’t think there’s ever been a double-squidding. There could be danger involved, all those tentacles and stuff. There are whole volumes of hentai about it. It isn’t pretty. I’m thinking maybe the Great Lonk instead. If we can find him. And he’s sober.

Welcome aboard the Straight Dope.

I have to say, you have violated one of the unwritten rules of the dope. You mentioned a cat and failed to provide pictures. The dog is optional, but as a lurker you should know about the kitty rule by now. :wink:

Elendil’s Heir, what about 1920s death rays? Is it safe for her to approach those? She might really need one if they are talking a double squidding.


Sir, we seem to have a little problem with your payment. Now, y’see, it’s customary to donate a small fee – a tip, if you will – on top of your normal subscription fee for the S’Dope Moderator Retirement and Booze Fund. Oh, and generally one slips some money into the pocket of each Administrator (folding money only please. Around here, we call a roll of pennies “the Banmagnet”).

Now, I’m sure it’s just because you’re new around here, but, you wouldn’t want to come across as… unseemly, would you?

Welcome to the Dope, Clockwork Jackal. We can never have too many Canucks around here. Have to talk about something other than GWB once in a while, you know.

Have fun, and don’t take it too seriously. Unless a mod is giving you an official warning. That you should probably take seriously.

Hello Clockwork Jackal. Be welcome. Enjoy your stay! :slight_smile: