Jerusalem Pride marchers pelted with piss and shit; three stabbed

Now I’ve seen everything: Scott Plaid picking on someone else’s typos (and Gaudere-baiting very ably in the process). Next it’ll be Maria Sharapova saying yes, there are too many grunters in women’s tennis. :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, I care about spelling, just not enough to correct myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

But really, I am a horrible speller. Thus, I try to always run my posts through Word’s spell checker. However, I often post from dumb terminals, without Word, and thus don’t catch my own mistakes no matter how hard I try.

Spell checker?

Eye sea. Say know moor.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

“But that’s just they way men talked in those days!”

It would have been rude NOT to have offered “release” to a guest in your house after a day of travel through the desert.

I’d say that this is no small thing. Exposing the mainstream to something that’s positive and unbelievably brave about your culture while exposing the small-minded bigots for what they are can’t help but be a very good thing.

fyi, that was what I was saying, about the two couples I mentioned. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s pretty clear that the Israelis should move those undesirables into some sort of work camps to teach them a lesson.

Actually, some of the bloodiest episodes to take place at the Kremlin happened during the reign of the Tsars-very devout Orthodox Christians. (Notably Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great).

But you knew that, right?

And it wasn’t even a typo. Apparently, he’s never seen Karate Kid.

Yup, I’ve been whoosed. Anyone want to give me a clue?

Yep. Now, if someone comes in to do more atheist examples, we’ll be even again, at 2-2.

It was all about love. That was the shit and piss of God’s love. That excruciation stabbing sensation? Love.

It being Jerusalem and all, the paraders are lucky they weren’t greeted with the Plastic Explosives of Charity, or the Kalishnikovs of Neighborliness, or the Hellfire Missles of Kindness, or the Mortors of Infinte Grace, or the Bulldozers of Blessings, or the Uzis of Comfort. Because religion is all about love. One needs look no farther than Jersualem, the most religious place on earth, to see that. And I’ll kill anybody who disagrees with me. That’s how full of God’s love I am.

And remains rude today, knowhaamsayin’?

The whole thing is disgusting. Here is a nation made up of emigres and refugees, many of whom still remember the Big Blood Purge (Nazis) and the Soviet pogroms (Stalin). They went to Israel to live in peace (?) and not be hounded, persecuted or killed for being who they are. Now that they are established, they do the same shit to somebody else. Fuck 'em.

In spite of the sick fundie protests and attacks, Israel let the pride parade proceed as planned, their Supreme Court upheld the rights of the marchers. Anyone care to speculate how it would have gone down had those cute little media darlings of the left, the Palestinians, been in charge? Because remember, Israel is eeeeeevil.

You know, it is possible to be an oppressed, occupied people and be grossly homophobic at the same time.

Probably very badly. Which is why Palestinians deserve to be driven out of their homes and gunned down in the streets by attack helicopters. Because they’re soft on gay rights.