Jesus Exists

A woman in Texas claims she has a walnut-sized stone which features no fewer than four images of Jesus. Unfortunately, the linked article features no photographic evidence for our examination…

Well brought up Google Earth and found it too. Wierd…

I see Kayless!!

Could it be… SATAN?

Or maybe it’s Diane LaVey?

Autographed photo of Jesus

Yup, I thought it looked like Viggo, too.

Y’know, I would have thought the nuns would have taught him better penmanship.

I dunno, you think they taught him the “wink and the guns”?

Man. Jesus is teh :cool:

Umm… I don’t see anything in that picture. I assume you’re talking about the dark splotch in the center, but I can’t see any face in that. Maybe someone could post a picture with a photoshopped outline?

Well, this is what I see.

They’ve been touring for two thousand years! Their agent is tired and just wants to go have a scotch and give the cocktail waitress a friendly fondle.

What is Jesus saying there? Gotcha ya! :smiley:

Thank you! I thought I was the only one who couldn’t see any face anywhere.

I also can’t get magic eye thigns to work. I asume it’s all I scam, and everyone who DOES see the picture is subliminally mind controlled, and at some opint, you will all be mindless zombies and I alone will stand against you!

Looks like a grilled cheese to me.

Hah. Good luck selling a large portion of Peru on eBay.

Actually, if you zoom out 2 clicks, you can clearly see Satan on the upper right grimacing and scowling at Jesus.


I’m getting Bride of Frankenstein. I do believe! I do! Raaaar!

You’re all wrong. It’s da Vinci’s self portrait.

That was brilliant.

Has anyone ever been converted to Christianity based on some smeary image that someone claims looks like Jesus? To me, this looks a little like Homer Simpson’s make-up shotgun on a much larger scale.

And this is where they are holding Hitler, Bougainville Road, US Navy Exchange, San Diego