How have we missed this? WikiLink It seems said general officer has opined in front of the Senate that Sebrenica fell to genocidal Serbian hordes because the Dutch troops in the area included Gay soldiers.
Eight thousand people were slaughtered, a solid base for Sheehan’s bigotry.
And by the way, look at the man’s picture in the second link. Have you ever seen a goofier looking Marine officer? I’m just sayin’.
From the Voice of America:
Asked for comment, Dutch military officials expressed astonishment. The spokesman for the Netherlands Ministry of Defense, Roger van de Wetering, told VOA Sheehan’s assertions are “total nonsense” and that he “cannot believe that a man of that rank is stating such a thing.” He added that he had never heard Sheehan’s allegation before from any source in the Netherlands or anywhere else.
Many historians have argued that Dutch peacekeeping forces in the Balkans were under-equipped and hampered by operational limitations imposed by the United Nations.
I saw a brief clip of his testimony tonight. I’m not sure of the full conyrcy, but he claimed that the “liberalization” of the Dutch miilitary was at fault, which preumably includes allowing gay soldiers. He also used the term “social engineering” in a negative sense. Which is kind of interesting, as the marines heavily into that. Of course their version of social engineering can tern just about any young person into a ruthless killing machine. But I guess he meant some other version.
I just saw the first bit of the nasty little man’s testimony. The internet here is quite slow this morning. He indicates that unionization and the ceasing of arresting Gay soldiers in the Dutch military was a result of the fall of the Soviet Union. He is factually wrong. These events preceded the fall of the Soviets. He is an idiot.
Sheehan’s prepared testimony begins runs from about 43 minutes to 50 minutes. There are two other witnesses that follow with prepared statements, all of which are completed by about 64 minutes. Then there is a question and answer session that involves all three witnesses. That runs on for another two hours.
Obviouly I haven’t had time to listen to all if this, but the Generral’s position is just bullshit disguised as balanced and fair – like a Fox commentator. His position is that there should be no change if there is any doubt at all about whether the change will be beneficial. And of course that is a standard that simply cannot be met.
This jarhead needs to get his head unfucked up before someone does it for him. Preferably a retired gunny sergeant with a Marine Corps tattoo on one arm and a rainbow flag tattoo on the other.