It appears to me that this Karr guy is wearing eyeliner. Am I correct?
It appears to me that this Karr guy is wearing eyeliner. Am I correct?
You mean Karr is really **ronincyberpunk **! :eek:
I’d heard yesterday that he was also looking into sexual reassignment surgery in Thailand. This could be a very moderate first step.
He called a plastic-surgery clinic that also does sex reassignment. That’s like saying every woman who goes into a health clinic is getting an abortion.
True. That’s why I said that I’d heard that. My wife told me, and at first I thought it might have been inside info (her family is knee deep in Thai doctors). But I couldn’t find a cite. I’m sure we’ll eventually hear more about this than anyone would care to.
Upon hearing of his impending arrest, he definitely dolled himself up.
The sex change clinic info has been available via Google news since Saturday night. I think that eventually we’re going to hear that he has trouble with reality testing (i.e., that he’s delusional), and not that he’s trans, but that he wants to *become * JBR. It then will be revealed that he read Silence of the Lambs at some point, and there will be an uproar directed at Thomas Harris.
I’m a little touchy on this, as I heard two people at the diner where I was having b’fast this morning saying, “Y’heard that guy who killed Jon-Benet is one o’ dem sex-change nuts?” “Oh, yeah, there’s no tellin’ what those people’ll do . . .”
This is alllll I need . . .
Eve were you in a Hillbilly restaurant again? What did we tell ya about stay’in away from those dem rednecks?!* They can be some ignrn’t folk…
*Not all rednecks are bad or ignorant I was grossly overgeneralizing a stereotype.
Picture Brooklyn accent, not W. Virginia.
i was wondering about eyeliner as well. it seemed a bit odd.
he looks like he has some dewy fresh skin secrets as well.
Oh… Ok
Eve: I’m sorry that idiot diner people spoiled your meal. I think most people don’t understand trans issues, and lump a lot of folks together who probably don’t belong together. My impression of Karr, which is a guess because I obviously haven’t evaluated him, is that he is delusional or schizophrenic, and if he was indeed looking into gender reassignment, it isn’t because his target gender is female, but because he’s fixated on JBR and wants to become her. That’s a very different phenomenon. Nonetheless, I expect to see the diner idiots joined by the cable news idiots who can’t help but misapply psychoanalytic principles to anyone in the public eye, and who have tame shrinks at their disposal to engage in “explanations” (rather than clinically-informed speculation) about why people act as they do.
Gah. The Globe and Mail headlined their continuing JonBenét-mania coverage with the SRS thing - the article dealt with it in one paragraph.
Sells newspapers, I expect. :smack:
How can you be so judgmental, you don’t even know…(looks at Karr’s pic again) Nah… you’re right he’s cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
Right. As I said, I don’t know. I haven’t evaluated him. On the basis of what I have seen (which has a heavy negative reporting bias), I form a working hypothesis that he may have a delusional disorder. That’s actually not judgmental, but judgment.
Use whatever language you want. I work with mentally ill people and wouldn’t use that sort of phrasing.
You’re right it was insensitive of me to judge him simply based on a picture.
If JonBenet had been male, image the gay bashing there would have been over this murderous queer cross dressing make-up wearing homo gay boy. Since she was female, let’s all bash the murdeous straight cross dressing make-up wearing straight guy.
That’s the easy one. Does one not even consider the ramifications if it had been an African-Albanian Jewish Communist that smokes and uses Freon? ::shudder::