jstucker15 is a creatard

I considered “jstucker15 is a lying creatard” but that just seems redundant. I’m proud of everyone for fighting ignorance, but this isn’t ignorance. This is a dishonest shitbag. He has no intention of revising his views, regardless of the evidence. No matter how often you point out how wrong he or his sources are, he just trundles straight on to the next bullshit lie. And then he bows out when he realizes that nobody is falling for his crap. And he refuses to answer basic questions.

Hey, lying shitbag. Get the fuck out of here. If you’re not willing to be a decent human being and be honest about your beliefs, just come in here from the start and say “I’m here to lie and bullshit about my favorite hobby horse, and you guys can believe me or not, I don’t care”. It’d save all of us a lot of time.

Dude, you. live in the Pit. It cant be good for your psyche. Take a vacation to MPSIMS for a bit or something. Just chill…:slight_smile:

It’s true… The guy is a total waste of time. But that’s what fighting ignorance involves. Flinging a Pit thread at him is just the moral reward for having to keep one’s temper in the Debates thread.

“No, you’re wrong, primarily because you misinterpret the actual formal statement of the theory of evolution…”

“…You reeking ass.”

It feels good to let it all out once in a while.

I suspect that it is more likely that he is a very young and naive Fundamentalist Christian who has swallowed the lies of his mentors. I have not yet seen any evidence that he is lying–or that he even understands either what he has posted or the responses to his posts…

Do you really have to use “tard”? I get that it’s a fairly common thing currently to go with the Xtard for whatever brand of idiocy, but it’s still fairly annoying.

That’s my impression as well, he seems to be parroting all the same old discredited ID arguments that I’ve seen a thousand times before. He or she is probably just another victim of indoctrination.

Bingo. It took a fair amount of self-restraint to avoid saying “you lying shitbag” in that thread.

At this point I’ve given up trying to distinguish. If someone posts for that long, gets their arguments rammed that unkindly up their anus, and then continues without missing a beat, it’s hard to keep assuming they’re debating in good faith.

Aw, but “creatard” is a classic. :frowning:

I spend a lot of time in GD. :slight_smile: Which probably also isn’t good for my psyche.

Tard is a village in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary.

Americans Fighting To Preserve Tard.

I prefer “Primate Change Denier”.


'Tard" seems perfectly appropriate to me. “Retardation” is the abnormal slowness or delaying, and these people have yet come around to the fact of evolution, which is about a century and half old. Can’t get much tardier than that, unless you still think planets are pushed through the sky by angels.

That’s awesome, and will be promptly stolen at my earliest opportunity.