Just saw an awesome commercial..

I have to voice my vote for the M&Ms one too… when I opened the thread I was actually wondering if it was going to be about that. My favorite part is when he is leaving and says “now that is just disturbing…”

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site: http://opalcat.com
The Teeming Millions Homepage: fathom.org/teemingmillions

I like the one for Monster.com where it shows clips of kids ruminating about the future: “I want to work my way up to middle management.” “I want to be a ‘yes man’”; (a little girl) “I want to do the same job for half the pay.”

I just remembered a couple of my favorite commercials of this year. Please bear with me…

#1. The commercial for 3DFX video card. It shows various scenes from hospitals; a woman in the glow of giving birth, a group of researchers looking on as a patient with wires taped to him runs on a cardiovascular treadmill, Then it shows a senior citizen happily blowing out all the candles on his birthday cake at home. Sprinkled through out are quick time-lapse shots of nature:trees growing, clear skies, ect.

The voice over talks about how the new proccesor in the 3D FX card is capable of doing billions of calculations per second. This will allow new breakthroughs in medicene, environmental health, and general R&D that will benefit all of mankind.

The music swells…

Then the narrater says “But then we figured, nah, let’s just use it to make cool games”

A hand comes in and < Yonk! > grabs the chip out of the slot on the cardiovascular machine, the old man has a heart attack and dies face first into his birthday cake, the guy on the treadmill falls off, ect.

Scene cut to showing all the cool new special effects that the graphics card can do.
#2.This one was for some kind of online store. Wolf.com or something. The scene starts with a football field, as the narrator says that to advertise the opening of “Wolf.com”, the local HS marching band will now spell out the name.

As they do so, you hear the narrator says “And then we released hungry timer wolves”

Various cut scenes of band students getting attacked by wolves, screaming, ect.

Cut to narrator: “Please submit complaint to “Wolf.com.””

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

You know, I can not remember who this ad was for (kinda ironic, I do believe), but it was for a new online service. In it, gerbils were launched through cannons, aimed to go through a bulls-eye on a cement wall. Most of them didn’t make it–and the images of them bouncing off (with an added shot of them landing and scurrying away unharmed) had to be about the most hilarious thing I’ve seen on TV in a long, long time. PETA got pissed, of course, and the ads no longer show. Damn.

tomndebb–hey, I had to buy the condoms because my boyfriend was too embarrassed (he had to get the “magnum” size, and he was actually embarrassed to buy them! Wouldn’t most men want to announce it over the store intercom??). So you better believe he’ll be buying me some sort of feminine hygiene product–not that I was particularly embarrassed to buy the magnums, but fair is fair. :slight_smile:

I used to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

Laura’s Stuff and Things

The commercial with the wolves attacking the marching band & the gerbils being shot out of the cannon were for Outpost.com.

That having been said, one of my current favorite commercials is for Charles Schwab. The one with the football player hurling insults such as “Yo’ mama pays full commission!” and “You can’t even spell Dow Jones!” Cracks me up every time.

Make it another vote for the M&Ms commercial. I love how the M&Ms respond by switching the type of M&Ms that they eat.

“That was just disturbing.”

I find the one for some kind of prostate medicine. All these old guys ( sorry elder gentlement) are driving around with jiffy johns attched to their trailer hitches, waving to all the other elder gents driving with their porta pots trailing their vehicles. The announcer says something about as you get older, frequent urination can be a sign of prostate trouble and there is help. I think it’s a riot. ( Not the prostate cancer, just the happy ol’ fellows draggin those things and smilin and wavin away!)

One must learn by doing things; for though you think you know it you have no certainty until you try.

I really dig the Levi’s invisible people…

One of my favs dates from a few years back. It was for some type of pager service I think (why I don’t know), but this is how it goes.

Guy picking up girl for blind date:
“This is the first time I go on a blind date”
“Oh I do it all the time”
He opens the car door for her, she sits in and he closes the door. While he is wlaking around to the driver’s side, she lets out a very loud fart.
The guy comes into the car and says:
“Have you guys met? Bob and Janice”
Janice (in the back seat): “We sure have!”
Driver: “I feel some real chemistry in the air, do you feel it?”
Janice: “I felt it!”
Driver: “Way to go Janice”

It cracks me up every time. I have it in an AVI format somewhere. I opened a meeting at work with that one Monday morning. It took 10 minutes for the room to return to some kind of normalcy.

If at first you don’t succeed, use a sldgehammer.

I like the M&M commercials too. there are a couple with the same actor as the M&M as cannibals one, I like him a lot.

My favorite commercial is a couple of years old came our around the last Olympics and only ran a couple of times - I think it was for shoes, nike or something. An international superstar soccer team squared off against a team of demons, the only line was from a little Scotsman who upon seeing the other team whispers to a team mate “Maybe they’re friendly…”

There are also the classic Nynex yellow pages play on words adverts of a few years ago,too. Anyone (in the tri-state area) remember these?

…at night, the ice weasels come…

I like the Yahoo! ad where the older gentleman’s pet monkey runs his owner’s dates off by throwing stuff at them. He meets his match though…

Pizza Hut!
Woman waxes poetic about the many merits of their New York Style pizza, how authentic it is etc. As she goes on and on, you become aware that she has a quite pronounced Southern accent.
Then, “Wha am Ah talkin’ about this?” Pan out to campaign bunting, “Becuz mah fella New Yorkers, Ah wanna be yer nex’ Senator!”


RugRat: That is the commercial for SmartBeep. It may still be a free download from their website, I haven’t visited it for a while.