Kate Upton is bringing back a bygone era when sexy women had curves. Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Marilyn Monroe, that was a special time.
Kate is on a roll with this sexy Hardees commercial.
And of course the Superbowl commercial
I know she’s making big money modeling. I hope she’s interested in acting someday. This girl needs to get serious with acting lessons. I could see her as a major star someday. She just needs the right role to get her started.
Anyone else impressed with Kate Upton? Doesn’t she have a star quality beyond your typical big titted model? There’s plenty of busty models out there. I think Kate’s got that same potential as Marilyn did.
You’re basing an entire acting career on 4 words spoken in two commercials that used her simply because she is a ‘typical big titted model’?! That’s quite a stretch.
Marilyn Monroe studied in NY at the Actors Studio. You have to have that kind of training to go along with great looks.
Looks can only go so far. Theres also sensuality which the greats also have. Susan Sarandon is a modern example of someone that can act, has a great body, and a simmering sensuality that lights up the screen.
She is pretty funny in this video. Also, she has already been in movies (Tower Heist, The Three Stooges). I think she can fill a certain niche, but unless she has real acting chops, I don’t see her having a substantive career. In some ways, her look could be a hindrance in getting real acting roles.
Not familiar enough with Kate Upton to conjure a mental image without following the OP’s Link.
A follow-up Google image search to compare other images . . .
Really? She’s “bringing back a bygone era when sexy women had curves”??? Are large breasts now the only measure of a woman’s curves?
(bra & panty photo SFW?) This woman’s waist and hips are of practically the SAME dimensions. :smack:
And her legs look like they belong on a smaller woman’s body.
Prior to the image search, watching the carwash commercial I was struck by how ass-less she is. Were we in a mall together, I would make absolutely no noteworthy effort to board an escalator behind her.
I’m not arguing whether or not she’s attractive, she’s a perfectly attractive woman. Besides, de gustibus and all that. It’s the OP’s description of a woman with “curves”. Really? Only if you cease to evaluate her body considerably far north of her navel.
We’re comparing her to Sophia Loren? Gina Lollobrigida? Monroe???
Again, not arguing whether or not she’s attractive.
If the OP had instead opened saying “Kate Upton is bringing back a bygone era when sexy women had large breasts” then I probably wouldn’t have felt compelled to post at all.
Kate’s often been criticized for her weight. I think she had to lose a little weight before posing for SI’s cover last year. Kate’s pretty curvy considering todays craze for stick thin models.
She’d probably put on another 15lbs if she wasn’t modeling. Maybe not quite as full figured as the 1950’s bombshells, but curvy compared to the food starved waifs in Hollywood.
I agree Kate doesn’t have the wide hips of Sophia Loren. I shouldn’t have listed her in the OP.
You don’t have to go back to the 50s to find women with curves. TBH, except for the runway models(who are freaks), most of the current ‘it girls’ from the latest TV shows or movies have some curves.
Kate must have one heck of an agent. Two weeks ago she had those amazing Superbowl ads. Now she’s on the cover of Sports Illustrated again. Thats two years in a row.
The next step is to transition into films or tv. I just hope she prepares and gets acting lessons first. Don’t just cast a pretty face and hot body in a film and act surprised when they bomb. If they do this right she could have a career that actually lasts awhile. It all depends on how much talent she actually has.
Bikini pics - not safe for work. There’s also a video of her posing and playing with the penguins at the South Pole.
She comes off as funny and charming in interviews, even handled Letterman’s deadpanning well last night. Gorgeous face, always smiling and laughing. Seems a lot more personable than the perpetually smug and usually scowling Denning and Hendricks. I think she’s a doll.
If she wants to be in movies she’ll get the opportunity. There are limited roles for women to simply look hot, so she’ll need some acting ability to turn it into a real career. I don’t see any way to make a determination based on her limited appearances in commercials and talk shows. But other models have attained success in Hollywood, so she’s certainly in the running.
That’s what I noticed too. But you said it a lot better.
Kate has such a fresh, girl next door appeal. Such a warm smile that lights up her eyes. She comes across really well in interviews. I hope success doesn’t change her.