(King)George Steinbrenner! You are a total asshole.

Yeah, I already knew it before this week. Maybe because all us poor people love to hate the rich. Maybe because I live in Northern Ohio, and we hate the Yankees.

…Nah! I hate him because he’s an arrogant sumbitch. He’s King George, and we’re the colonist, in the late 1700’s.

Torre must have put aside enough money to live his life without King George. But, I assume, as a professional, he enjoys the challenge. But when your boss is such an asshole, when do you say “enough!”

King George seems to think he can dictate to MLB who umpires his games. Fuck you, Sir!

I just posted a link in the playoff thread. I’m just floored that King George thinks it’s a good idea to hang Torre out to dry like this (not to mention putting a ridiculously UNNEEDED extra amount of pressure on the players.) Add to that the egotistical entitlement that the fat slob obviously feels… “He’ll never umpire a game for us again.” :rolleyes:

Uhn huhn… the emperor IS naked. Ass.

My reply to if6was9 from the other thread:

Wow, George is back to his old form. Foolish posturing and weak threats. At least he wants A-Rod back.

Threatening umpires that are retiring, George is still a fool. Feels like old times.

Additional thought: I don’t think Torre cares too much and I think it is time for him to move on. I believe that would put either Mattingly or Girardi in as the next manager. (I expect to take abuse for this opinion.)


Yeah, I like Torre, respect him a lot, and I’m sure he’ll land on his feet. Was probably gone anyways. BTW, to retirement do you think?

It just amazes me that George thinks this is a healthy way to motivate his team, facing elimination and all.
George has been mostly quiet for a couple years, this just reminds me that Angelos is NOT the worst of all evils… :stuck_out_tongue: And that’s from someone who despises Angelos.

I just finished reading that on FoxSports.

The term “pompous asshole” was invented for George.

Yeah, Angelos is just a pale imitation of “The Boss” in his heyday. This is still the man that fired Billy all those times and worse yet fired Yogi Berra after 14 games.

Angelos is to the Boss like Sauraman is to Sauron. A nasty evil lord, but small potatoes by comparison.*


  • As long as King was used, I will make a gratuitous Tolkien comparison.
    ETA: I can’t even guess what Torre will do next. If this was handled right, he would retire to the booth to do Home games, Fenway Games and Shea Games. Now all bets are off.

I suspect a number of fat slobs will take umbrage at being compared to Mr. Steinbrenner.

The timing of his comment is awful-Torre is darn good manager, IMO, and doesn’t need these meaty tidbits being thrown to sportswolves.

As “come from behind” is all but synonymous with the NYY, I’m hopeful we’ll get it together, tonight. Even if they don’t win, the whole of blame can’t be accurately laid on Joe.

I was actually surprised to hear these quotes; I thought The Boss was reduced to babbling mindlessly while the nurse feeds him his pablum. At any rate as a Red Sox fan it’s always a treat when the Steinbrenner Circus starts running again…

Joe Torre can write hisself a bestselling book about what it was like to bring excellence to an organization that was run by an asshole. He could call it “What a DICK this guy is….”

Seriously, this team had a* horrible * start, and damn near everyone (including me) had written them off. They had off the field distractions, constant meddling form the asshole-in-chief, aging superstars showing their years…and still ending up competing for the division title and damn-near making it. I don’t know if anyone could have done a better job of managing this team.

:rolleyes: yourself. Froemming is retiring this year. It wasn’t a threat, it was a statement of fact.

Of course it was a threat. I hope you were posting this in jest. :frowning:

Did anything Steinbrenner said serve to disabuse you of this notion?

I don’t think so. The man is retiring. He won’t be umpiring any more games for the Yankees or anyone else.

King George meant it as a threat. a particularly toothless one, but a threat. George is capable of acting no other way.

He has been well known to bluster and blubber also. Give him credit for the full range he is known for. :wink:

Perfect! :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re George, you’d find it easy to believe this works. There’ve been other times where the team had a losing streak, George sounded off, and lo and behold they started winning.

Then again when you have good players and a capable manager, winning streaks are bound to supplant losing spells. George takes credit and everybody else does a :rolleyes: .

The only bad thing about the Indians beating the Yankees would be Torre getting axed, as he is a class act - as well as the repellent glee among the N.Y. press corps, which has been agitating for Torre’s firing at any sign of trouble for the past few years, since it would make for juicy stories.

In typical ass-is-against-the-wall-do-or-die fashion, the rebound and we live to cheer tomorrow night. :slight_smile:

“Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!”

You guys did good tonight.

In a “crazy like a fox” vein, the broadcast team mentioned that all the pre-game interview talk was about George and his bluster, rather than how crappily the team played in the first two games. Perhaps not motivational, as much as directing the spotlight on himself instead of them.

I’m also finding it hard to disagree with George, the highest paid manager, with the highest paid team, shouldn’t get bounced in the first round of the playoffs three straight years.