Kissthisguy! The Best Misheard Lyrics

Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World

“The bright blessed day, the dogs say good night…
:o Oops, it’s “the dark sacred night…”

My friend always thought it was Kick it up instead of Lick it up.

Me…I just found out the song was Rihannon( Is that Stevie Nicks?) (named after a goddess) not Brianna.

My favorite is:

Secret Asian Man instead of Secret Agent Man.

Secret Asian Man
Secret Asian Man
Well they’ve given you a number
and take-out’s on the way.


When I was in HS, there were some girls that had heard the new Falco song “Rock me Amadeus” and thought it said “Rock me I’m a desk” and another groupo thought the part where Falco is singing Amadeus Amadeus over and over, they thought he was singing “hot potatoes”


“Rock me, I’m a desk”

“Rock me, hot potatoes”
“Hot potatoes”
“Hot potatoes”
“Hot potatoes”
“Hot potatoes”
“Rock me, hot potatoes”

Two comments here: A horrible Manfred Mann cover version of ‘Blinded by the Light’ that came out in the seventies (and was a hit, fer cryin’ out loud) did use the lyric ‘wrapped up like a douche’. Springsteen, though never one for proper enunciation, at least was clearer in his pronunciation of the word ‘duece’. The Manfred Mann version could be what a lot of people are mis-hearing.

Second: In a radio interview on WNEW-FM, also in the seventies, guest DJ Dr. Winston O’Boogie played ‘I Am The Walrus’ and as the song faded out came on the air and said, ‘Know what they’re saying? “Everybody’s got one, everybody’s got one”’. And that’s the official word.

But they’re really singing “Everybody smokes pot, everybody smokes pot…”

The song by Eiffel 65, BLue

He sings for his chorus

I’m blue daba de daba da daba de daba da daba de daba da…

Then my not very hetro friend pointed out that he thought he was saying

I’m blue, I’m in need of a guy, I’m in need of a guy, I’m in need of a guy.

Now every time I hear it, that is all I hear.

Judas Priest’s “Breakin’ the Law” - I always thought was “Rakin’ the Lawn”.

And “Spirits of the Material World” by The Police - I coulda sworn I heard it as “I Spit Earrings Into My Cereal Bowl”.

Umm, okay, but why would they do that? It makes no damned sense. Didn’t then, and doesn’t now.

Must be a common one-- there’s a Rocket From The Crypt song that ends with this very chorus being chanted for about five minutes.

Speaking of Nirvana misheard lyrics, I was convinced for a while that “Tourette’s” actually had lyrics. It seemed perfectly clear that at one point Kurt sang “We know how to dance / Ruh ruh / We’re all stuck in France / Nyuh nuh (maybe ‘My heart’)”.

Of course, the actual Nirvana lyrics in many cases were a hell of a lot funnier than what we thought we heard. “Did he really just say ‘Sell the kids for food’? Naw, it’s gotta be something else.”