We’re NOT doing it to impress you and we’re NOT doing it to make up for our supposed small penises. So get the fuck over yourselves already!!
I can remember as a small child I had an extensive Hot Wheels collection. And this was long before I took any intrest in girls.
So in the future Ladies, (and guys, some of you are guilty of this too)please remeber we guys actually DO like cars and trucks and things that go BOOM!
So Nyah!
(BTW, I have no beef with the poster in the above link. This is basically just a silly rant directed towards women in general.)
Funny - to me, both cars and shoes are necessary evils. But you can paint me with your broad brush if you want. Your perceptions don’t change my reality.
I agree, that post was pretty shitty. I’ve never bought a car and thought, “I wonder what the women will think of me now!”. I bought my car because I, gasp, actually like it! Big V8 and all! Now what? And it’s not to make up for any size deficiencies at all, so that’s the most bullshit line I’ve ever heard come out of anyones mouth.
I don’t however agree with the notion that all women think like this. But if I ever came across any that did, it would be a huge turn off.
Huh. I’ve wanted a sports car since I was 8. A specific sports car. An E-type Jaguar. I saw one in the garage (large, large garage) of a man who collected Jaguars of various vintages. That man is my hero. My heart beats a little faster thinking of how easily he could identify any model of British car by its radiator grille. Also, I like trucks because they are good for hauling stuff, and as we live in a major metropolitan area with snazzy public transport, the only possible reason I could see for us getting a vehicle right now is to haul stuff better.
I don’t have a problem with guys wanting whatever car they want, I do have a problem when they think that just because I have a very firm idea about what car I want, I have any mechanical aptitude at all. I’m just a girl who runs to wild and impractical desires about elderly British sports cars. It’s all just consumer choice, sure it tells me something about you… but not most likely your desire to impress women or your penis size, just about your taste in cars!
Our statements do not contradict each other. I wasn’t saying allwomen like shoes - I was saying that men who like cars like cars in the same manner that women who like shoes like shoes. In othe words, A common (but not ubiquitous) male tendancy is very similar to a common (but not ubiquitous) female tendancy.
So, where does that put women like me, who like my zoom zooms more than any shoe, and at times in my life, any man?
IMHO, the OP in the other thread was repeating a cliche whose reality is lost in the past. I admit, there was a time when a man’s car was part of his mating plumage. Then*we *learned to drive ourselves
Unfortunately, Alessan, you’re in the same trap, with the shoes. Stop watching Sex and the City, its not real. ( that was a joke, BTW)
The important thing about this thread is that it is moving in the right direction.
For too long the emphasis has been on men getting in touch with their feelings and understanding women and women’s “emotional” needs. Fuck that. Women need to understand men and modify their conduct accordingly.
I think the link in the OP is sexist and ignorant. It’s as bad as if a guy said he didn’t like girls who wear expensive perfume because if they were real women they wouldn’t need perfume and they are only jerks for thinking everyone is impressed they can afford it.
<evil giggle>
You are typing ot a woman who has THREE pair shoes [brown loafers, black sneakers, black very expensive mary janes that were a gift] but happens to have a car collection - 64 squareback, 58 bug, 71 beetle, 69 IH scout and 79 IH scout, and a way newer jetta for driving for work and shopping…and just unloaded 2 parts beetles, a parts VW westphalia and 2 parts subarus [loyal and GX] and dreams of an abarth scorpioni, a matra simca bagheera and a jensen FF…
It’s funny about the comment that set the OP off. I have the same reaction to women in huge monster trucks. They always drive aggressively, have loads of attitude and there’s always the obligatory license plate frame that says something stupid like “It’s not HIS, boys, it’s MINE”, or “Real Cowgirls drive BIG trucks”.
I remember that thread, and a bazillion others like it. It always breaks down into 2 armed camps. There is the “I drive what I like” camp. There is as I will call it the “You will drive what I tell” you camp. After all the “talk” about gas prices, environment, etc, it always degenerates into insults about “natural endowment”. It seems more than coincidence that the penis argument is almost always started by the “I’ll tell you what to like” people.
Guys like fast cars and big V-8 engines. Cool cars are fun, plain and simple They shouldn’t have to justify it. Some women seem to like them too sometimes. What’s the harm? Why does someone always feel the need to talk trash about their choices? Can’t anyone tend to their own business anymore?
Even then, what’s wrong with a woman saying such people turn them off? How’s it worse than saying long hair, body piercing, etc. are turn-offs?
I’m a guy and I’m slightly dubious of guys who spend a lot of money on enormous pickup trucks (i.e. larger than they need) or $80,000 sports cars. Not that I disrespect them, but it’s one indication that their values may differ from mine and we may not get along too well.
For the record, I never brought up the penis size thing - and that wasn’t what I meant by my statement. And I don’t have anything against sports cars; I happen to like them myself. The Chrysler statement was because I personally think the 300s are butt ugly and overpriced. I feel the same way about Hummers.
Large, overpowered vehicles just happen to be one of my turn-offs. They are expensive and suck gas, and for most people, not necessary. I am not anti-SUV, either, they are nice and I almost considered getting one, but decided that I really don’t need that large of a vehicle. I know it is everyone’s right to drive whatever they want. It was only my personal opinion on what turns me on (or off), nothing more. I happen to really like it when a man drives a VW Cabrio or something similar that is mainly considered a chick car. Totally sexy, IMHO.