Ladies, which muscle groups are most important in a man?

Traps and deltoids. I love a sexy upper back.

Theory or practice? :wink:

I don’t know if it’s a muscle group, but forearms. Does that count?

V shaped—broad shoulders and defined biceps—six pack abs don’t matter to me.

Preach it! My husband was practically born with a racquet in his hand. His legs…I like them.

So, to answer the OP: I’ll have a serving of quads, glutes, and hamstrings with a side of triceps and delts, lightly defined, please. Hold the six pack. (I wouldn’t kick a guy with a six pack outta bed, mind, but I prefer just a flat chest and stomach, not overly muscled. Toned is nice, but a flat soft poke-able belly is best for snuggles.) If we’re talking purely muscles, then what turns my head are upper arms that fill out t-shirt sleeves and butts/thighs that fill out jeans. Overall shape, I prefer a rectangular torso to a V-Shape. Body-builder level muscles–really, even physical trainer level muscles aren’t as interesting to me as…say, an average healthily toned guy.


I definitely can’t pick one muscle group. If I look at a guy and think, “ooo, muscles!” I guess he’s hit the right ones, but beyond generally toned and fit, there’s definitely a point of too muscley. If I look at a guy and think “bodybuilder” that indicates that I’ve been turned off.

Same as carlotta’s response. What I do find funny (and not attractive), is guys that are V shape, well developed… and then their legs are skinny and look frail in comparison to their upper body. Proportions, please! I start imagining the guy will break in two because the legs cannot support him! And if MY legs are in better shape than his… not attractive.

I’ve been going to my new gym for three months and I’ve never seen anyone using the leg equipment. I cannot fathom this, and I am not even exaggerating about how little use the equipment gets. Every guy has almost no ass and lifeless legs.

I make sure I keep my gluts, hammies, calves and quads balanced with my upper body. I went to do squats and you would have thought an alien landed on my back and gave everyone the finger.

I listen to the ladies. “Nice body” is way more important than gigundous arms and tree trunk neck. Most very fit guys that women go nuts for are just that: fit, not top heavy freaks who make you go, “Hmmm, steroids?”

Roughly triangular shaped. Also, no chicken legs.

Everyone savvy about this strength stuff knows that strength comes mainly from the thighs, buttocks, back and grip. Then there are the fools who only train the beach muscles, ie. abs, bis and chest.

But how about big traps? Ladyfoxfyre mentioned them, and every bodybuilder agrees, but most women I’ve asked about this (including my wife) think that the slopy shoulders that big traps produce look hideous. Too bad I have narrow shoulders and a very responsive trapezoid…