Lamest Reason You've Had For Being Stood Up

Valentine’s Day 2004. I had a date and reservation set up at Rainforest Cafe in Towson Town Center. I was there alone about an hour waiting for this girl. She didn’t have a cell phone, i didn’t have her dorm number either. When i decided to leave i went home, saw her online and asked her what the fuck.

“I decided to do economics homework instead. You didn’t actually go to the Rainforest Cafe by yourself did you?”


Not exactly “stood up,” but one guy once told me that he would try to call me later, but he might not because he was having trouble figuring out how to use his phone. And before anyone asks, not a cell phone, his land line. In his house.

Yeah. Sure.

One guy I was attempting to date gave me an endless string of lame excuses–he was redecorating, his parents had come over, and so on and so on and so forth. The real reason he kept standing me up was even lamer, though…he was hiding his girlfriend from me and vice versa. LAME.

I kind of caught on when I was at his place and he would take phone calls in a really cryptic way–dodging questions and making up excuses…just as when he’d been on the phone with me! Fortunately, we never ended up dating, we just hung out a few times as friends before I told him to go back to his girlfriend and leave me alone.

It’s been years since I was dating, but the lamest excuse I got was from a girl (a bit of a Rich Daddy’s Girl, I should mention), who, after arranging a date (which involved me pleading with my boss for the day off, which he was NOT happy about, since it was on short notice), didn’t show up at our agreed rendezvous.

OK, she’s a bit late, so I figured held up in traffic somewhere.

An hour later I finally call her.

“I can’t talk, I’m really busy, I’ll call you tonight, bye!” click.

Well, I finally got hold of her the next day.

“Oh yeah, sorry about that… there was a Sale on at Myer, and they’d just released their new season’s line of clothing…”


My other story doesn’t involve a girlfriend (she was just a friend), who had said- nay, promised-repeatedly- that she was coming to my 20th birthday.

At the time, my then-gf (now fiancee) and I didn’t know that many people, so this friend had said not to worry, she’d make sure she was there and she’d bring some decent alcohol (she worked in a tavern).
My gf and I didn’t have a lot of spare cash, and this girl’s arrival was going to be the difference between “Pizza and Movies” for my birthday, and “Pizza, Movies, A Few Drinks, and Lots of Laughs”.

So, there’s me, my girlfriend, and a couple of our friends, sitting there, twiddling our thumbs, waiting for her.

And waiting.

And waiting.

We tried calling her, and got the “Phone out of coverage” message.

We did a quick whip around and got together enough cash for a bottle of El Cheapo Bourbon to go with our Pizza and Movies, but it was still one of those cases where one person’s absence was noticed.

Anyway, several days later, we finally tracked her down.

“Where the FUCK were you on my Birthday???”

“Well, me and some of the girls from work went on a road trip to the Sunshine Coast!”


“Because Sandra just bought a new car and wanted to try it out, and we thought a girls’ weekend on the Sunshine Coast would be fun!”

“What about my Birthday?”

“When was that again?”
