I just saw this footage about the moon landing being faked (and since i have read explainations for all their little “errors” i just blew it off) but then i saw the film makers approach Buzz Aldrin.
They asked him to swear on the bible that he walked on the moon, just that… and he wouldn’t do it. He was getting REALLY distressed at the situation.
A guy was saying “you come back and are treated like a hero… your a coward and a liar” and Buzz physically attacks the man (punches him right in the face).
This has changed my whole opinion on the matter…
Buzz not saying he did it really throws a spanner in the mix…
I dont wanna start a debate, i just want to register my humble opinion
I don’t blame Aldrin one bit. He’s obviously put up with this kind of insult for a long time, and if someone approached me in the street with a camera demanding that I prove to them parts of my life, I’d be damn angry. Call me a coward and a liar and I’d be tempted to punch them too.
I know nothing of the personal life of Buzz Aldrin, but is it possible that he is non-religious and did not feel comfortable using the bible to swear on?
shadows going different ways are easily explainable…
Stand up straight next to someone, both your shadows are parallell (double L double L?), but if you bend over the right way slightly, your shadow will run the other way.
If you look at your shadows just from the bend it will appear as though there is another light source.
Its all perception.
I saw the same film a year or so ago. The next day I thought I would visit the NASA website to see if there was any info on the films claim. Right on the front page of the NASA website there was a link labeled “Yes we did”. I clicked on the link and it lead me to a page that refuted the films arguments, point by point.
I think he was understandably sick and tired of nobody believing him, and irritated that some crank with an agenda is bothering him in the street and jamming a camera into his face. Why should he have to swear to anything at all?
Is it not true that the guy confronting Aldrin did more than just politely ask him to swear on the Bible? - the way I heard it, he was quite aggressive and started phyically pushing him, then Buzz hit him.
I think I would have done the same. I would be insulted that they doubted it at all and I would not dignify their question by complying to their demand. How would you feel if someone wanted you to swear on the bible that you have never had sex with your mother?
OK, here is a link to a news article on the subject…
So, the guy lset up the meeting on false pretences, then came at him accusing him of being a liar and a coward then started prodding him with a Bible - a punch in the face seems quite reasonable in these circumstances, certainly not evidence that he has anythng to hide.
Besides, the whole idea of demanding “why won’t he swear it” is absolutely infantile. The only reason that we swear in witnesses is so we can file charges (perjury) if the person deliberately failed to hold up his end of the legal transaction being entered. No such transaction was being entered here.
Nobody has to cave in to an accoster and just say what it takes to get him to go away. An accoster, OTOH does have to take “no” for an answer and go away if told to.
But when it gets to cornering a 70+ year-old man and poking him physically with a book, that is simple assault. Which can be repelled with enough force to make the assailant stop.
And then, of course, if Aldrin takes up the challenge and swears on the bible that the moonlandings were not faked, will his interrogator walk away saying “Fair enough”?
Or, is it more likely that he will escalate those insults to “Oh, so you’re a coward and a liar AND a blasphemer”?
ml@r, I cannot see any merit in your argument that if (why am I saying “if”?) Aldrin was telling the truth he would be happy to swear by it. Maybe you should get out more.
Sorry, I wish I’d said, your thread title Landing on the moon (not a debate) could equally well apply to this confrontation – nothing Aldrin could have said or done would have brought this person around to believe the truth. How frustrating is that, do you think?
I saw the film of the accoster and Aldrin. I would have punched him sooner; he was really awful, getting in Aldrin’s face, accusing him, trying to push him around, and calling him names. He was trying deliberately to provoke, and the second he got punched, he turned to the camera and gleefully asked “Did you get that? That’s assault!” Aldrin’s been having to put up with guys like this for years, and I’m not surprised he wouldn’t swear. I wouldn’t either. It’s just feeding the troll, engaging him in ‘debate’ when he should be ignored.