Some blank lines thrown in for laughs…
No “In the criminal justice system…” voice over, CSI-ish cinematic beginning with rapid camera cuts followings the hot babes in tehir convertible, expositional crime-scene cops (“Hmm, you think this case is like the other eight recent cases of burglaries of high-profile celebrities…?”)
I miss Jack. When the daughter chick said she would lie on the stand to protect her mom, Jack would have crushed her like an egg in 30 seconds. This guy caved faster than Barack Obama.
No wonder LA can’t seem to convict a celebrity of anything.
Following up on the CSI-ish vibe, the original Vegas series has a lot of episodes about “the hottest new celebrity/rapper/athlete” and LOLA (as I will now call it) might just take this to, in modern parlance, the extreeeeeme!! I can understand the temptation - casting very attractive people who live opulent Robin-Leech-worthy lifestyles. I’m mildly curious if they’re going to get embroiled in immigration/drug/gang cases, as the New York crew frequently did.
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I realize the New York version had some old-world class to it - if there was a mob hit, there was history involved! But L.A. kinda lacks that, wot?
When I saw the TV ads for this, I swear to the Spaghetti Monster I thought the commercial was a parody. I’m not kidding, I was waiting for one of the Kids in the Hall guys to put on glasses like Horatio Caine, make a Lenny-like L&O quip, and turn to Betty White who says: “Depends!”
Only when they showed the cast did I figure out it was real. It looks terrible.
Well, so far the best thing I can say for it is that they named things correctly. But as a local it bugs when they specifically ID a location and I know like I know my name that they did NOT shoot at the location they claim. (I’m thinking of the criminal courts bldg on hill… that scene was not shot there.)
I think they will bring in the voiceover and sound next week…they’d better or it just ain’t L&O.
I also have to say how disconcerting it is for this to supposedly be L&O and have it all be so bright, shiny, spacious and airy. Which, now that I think about it, may have much to do with why they decided to do LA…they were fed up wth having to navigate the miniature spaces available in New York and wanted some breathing room.
I adore NYC, I really do… I am on a constant buzz the whole time I’m there and every grimy detail makes my heart sing. BUT… I find it hard to imagine trying to really live and work on a day to day basis in such insanely tight quarters. And knowing how much space it takes up to film on location, I’m amazed that L&O pulled it off for so many years without going batshit crazy.
And then, if that didn’t work he would have pulled Ben Stone out of his pocket to stare them into oblivion after and extra icy “what’s your decision, sir”!
The interior of the pizza place across from my apartment has been used in at least *three *separate episodes! The most recent was last week’s SVU. It’s funny when it’s supposed to be in the mid-20s and I can see that it was actually on the upper west side.
With just one episode aired to date on NBC Wednesday, it is running tonight on Bravo. Does anybody know another series that’s done that? I’m pretty sure the other L&O shows wait a year or so before farming them out to cable outlets.
If he doesn’t think the value of what he might get out of her isn’t sufficient to justify using the sledgehammer approach, that seems pretty reasonable to me. I don’t actually remember what they were digging for there – was it really that juicy? I imagine that Morales would have been able to play rough if some truly crucial information about the case were at stake.
The value he might get out of it IS her being crushed like an egg – to teach another arrogant celebrity prick not to make threats to foil JUSTICE and DECENCY!