Legolas vs Argorn: who is hotter?

Legolas. But I wouldn’t mind making a Homebrew sandwich with the both of them.

Aragorn. Come to mama!

And I thought I was the only one who didn’t care much for Viggo in civvies.

Can I vote for Sam? (Yeah, yeah, I’m a pervy hobbit fancier, shut up.)

I give Legolas a slight edge over Aragorn, but that’s probably only cause I’m not attracted to ‘older’ men. (I know Legolas is technically older, but he doesn’t look older.)

Legolas!!! When FOTR came out everyone I knew was all about Frodo because Elijah Wood has the cute little boy look I guess. Though to me that’s just it, he looks like a little boy. I seemed to be the only person who thought Legolas was the hot one, except one girl who thinks Orlando Bloom is sexy in real life but ugly as Legolas. I’ve seen pictures of how he actually looks and thought he was very plain. But with the long blonde hair…MMMMM!!! Besides, elves are just awesome.

I don’t see Aragorn as attractive at all because he is so grimy and unshaven all the time. When someone looks like they probably smell bad I usually don’t find them attractive.

Speaking for the other team, watching the moveis, I can’t imagine any theoretical good looks of Aragorn making up for his squeaky, phleghmy voice.

In The Fellowship of the Ring, I was all swoony over Legolas. But after The Two Towers, my heart belongs to Aragorn. Legolas turned into Mr. States the Obvious. But I do agree with Ludovic that Viggo’s voice can be squeaky. Viggo himself? I’ve heard him recite his poetry in Danish and Spanish. Melts me like butter. And check him out in A Walk on the Moon. I have to go fan myself now.

Since Aragon is a of Man kind, he should be 37C. Don’t know about an elf though. Perhaps Legolas would be kind enough to tolerate a few moments with a rectal thermometer and settle this once and for all. :slight_smile:

Aragorn! Yes! Yes! hmm… Sorry, got carried away. Viggo Mortisen is so hot regardless, but I think that’s just me.

I’m stick kicking myself over not buying that 6ft something cardboard cutout of Aragorn, to place in my office (of 10 - 9 of whom are blokes). The boyfriend wouldn’t let me. :sulk:

Aragorn for looking at, Legolas for shagging. Yep, that sounds about right.

From the rest of the characters, Frodo, no contest. I’m also a pervy hobbit-fancier, and fiercely proud of it. After Frodo… Arwen, probably. Closely followed by Galadriel.

My personal sammich would have to include Boromir and Faramir- yummmmmy and brothers to boot.


Aragorn Aragorn Aragorn! mmmmmmm… Aragorn. (Viggo cleaned up? No thanks.)

Regarding Legolas… I can’t fancy a boy who obviously spends more time on his hair than me.

And am I the only one that pictured Faramir a bit more hunky than the actor who played him in TTT? I dunno… weak chin or something.

I’ve had a crush on Aragorn ever since I read the novels, before I even saw the movie.

Seriously. I don’t think he’s all that hot unless he’s in Aragorn-garb. Lusting after an actor makes sense, but a fictional character? At least I’m not the only one.:smiley:

I can’t decide between Boromir and Frodo. I thought they were the most attractive.

I’m thinking Harem.


Eowyn, definitely.

Although, as noted about, I wouldn’t kick Arwen…

Eowyn is, far and away, the best looking character in the movies so far (sorry for the hijack but everyone else is doing it :))

Arwen doesnt even look that much better than the archers who captured the party in Lothlorien! (not Haldir, the younger ones.) I’ll give her looks on Legolas, although I had to think about it for a sec :slight_smile:

Aragorn, because as Orlando Bloom has said himself, there’s nothing remotely sexually threatening about an elf.

I don’t like Viggo when he’s not being Aragorn, either - when he’s shaved his face, his funny donut chin is more obvious. Also, he has the worst haircut in the world in the extras off the TTT DVD.

“Thy road lies towards Dumpsville,” cried Aragorn, “and the population of that sad hamlet is you. The hour has come at list for you to begone of me, beeyotch!”

“But, my lord,” cried the daughtern of Elrond, “why art thou treating me so? Shall you cast me back into the house of my father, and for what?”

“I have found another, and her name is Eowyn,” said Aragorn, “And though her fairness is tempered by her coldness, and though the shadow of fate lies on her still, her booty is such as has never been seen in lands of Men. Many booties have I seen in her travels, but verily, no babies with back like that have I encountered before.”