Lexicon, a fine upstanding ranter.

And, a man with 1001 posts.

Please, take a minute and pass Lex a beer. He deserves them. If you can drink one faster than he can, he’ll let you live. :smiley:

A full minute?

We can down four or five in that time!!!

Congrats Lex!

Now Mr C, did Lex put you up to doing this (thread)?

Barrggh! I can drink yall under the table! :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrads Lex-…and many more ;):slight_smile:

Congratulations, Lexicon-

Have yourself a memorable party!


Slurp it on down, mah man. Congratulations on hitting four digits! I’ll hopefully be there mahself in about a month or two.

So, where are the naked me?! …Oops, sorry, wrong post count party…

Now there’s a funny typo.

That should read: “Where are all the naked men,” not the naked me. Sorry to disappoint everyone!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

WTG Lexi! Happy 1k, etc… Now where’s my beer(s)?

Congratulations, Lexi. If you ever even see this. Do you bother with MPSIMS, or is it straight to the Pit for you?

That reminds me - a couple days ago, I was skimming a Pit thread, and I read a post without looking at the handle. And I could tell, just by the style, that it was Lexi. You’re distinct, Lex.